Watch This: FL Gov DeSantis Rips Biden, Stands For The People

Update: U.S. Population herd immunity is 88%!

In the video below, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made a bold stand for the people of his state. He made an appearance to explain how President Biden’s policies are disastrous. DeSantis sounds like a real American here.

DeSantis explained how COVID infected illegals are coming across the border, and the Biden administration has no problem with that. Yet, they want COVID mandates and everyone to be vaccinated.

It’s complete and utter insanity and chaos.

The fact that we are still talking about COVID is insane!

DeSantis also explained how the Biden admin thinks voter ID is a bad thing, but Biden wants you to have a COVID passport to go to the gym.

Just like New York Mayor de Blasio announced yesterday saying,

“This is a miraculous place, literally full of wonders,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said. “If you’re vaccinated, all that’s gonna open up to you. If you have the key, you can open the door. If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things.”


Yes, we are talking about the Mayor of New York City, in the state of New York. This is utter insanity! These are crazy and wicked people who have no business running a road circus, much less a government.

Before you watch the video, according to the CDC, 192 million Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine. According to the CDC, 35 million Americans have had COVID. However, the CDC estimates 101 million Americans have had COVID.

When we put this together, that means, we have at least 293 million Americans with herd immunity at this point.

That is 88% of the entire population!

These circus clowns want to lock us down again, scare us with vaccine, and mask mandates over a virus with a 99.9% survivability rate, when 88% of the population is immune?

These are criminals and enemies of the American people.

Why would anyone comply with this?

Will we ever wake up?

Maybe Ron DeSantis did…

Will more Governors follow suite and stand for their people?

Governors of America!

Nearly all of you messed up during COVID in 2020.

Correct your error!

Make it right by standing up for the people against overbearing government.

Quickly, before America is a country found only in the history books.

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