Rand Paul: Fauci’s Being Dishonest Due To Wuhan Lab Ties

In the video below, Senator Rand Paul uses common sense. He said of mask mandates, “It makes no sense and the science doesn’t support it”.

You can say that again.

Paul went on to explain, ‘one of the reasons Dr. Fauci is being dishonest, is if the virus attaches itself to the Wuhan lab, and Fauci funded it, then Fauci is responsible.’

Hold on a second here, I thought we already proved all that last year?

For the record, I could understand the virus leaking from a lab. However, if anyone believes COVID-19 is a bio-weapon, they might be about 5 cans short of a 6 pack. Bioweapons kill massive amounts of people, COVID has not done that, not even close.

By the way, Fauci is already busy scaring the public about another possible, maybe, coulda, woulda, shoulda, future COVID variant.

I kid you not!

I already notice more people dawning the masks once again.

Come on people;

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me (us).

If you turn off the TV, all you will see is a sunny day, and all you will hear are the birds chirping away.

The world’s still spinnin’!

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