Did You See What Russia Just Did?

Ohh… We have some news today.

The latest and greatest concerns the media theatrics of Russia’s “imminent invasion” of Ukraine. That “imminent invasion” has been pending for weeks now. The same invasion Biden said was “within days”.

As we pointed out in yesterday’s article, this is all massive propaganda, (see: This Is What Russia Really Wants). Propaganda that is now truth and common knowledge in the Western world. Make sure you catch that article, it spells everything out for you.

All right, on with today’s show I say!

Russia Recognizes The Donetsk And Lugansk People’s Republics

Here’s the latest development.

At a meeting on Tuesday, the State Duma unanimously ratified the treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance introduced by Russian President Vladimir Putin with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), the recognition of the sovereignty of which was stated by the head of the Russian state on Monday.


The DPR and LPR are better known in the Western mainstream media as “Russian separatists”.

So why did Putin recognize these two regions?

There is no doubt strategy involved.

However, it also perfectly aligns with what we discussed in yesterday’s article.

Basically, with Russia recognizing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as sovereign states separate from Ukraine. This removes power from Ukraine, but this sure isn’t the “invasion” the West has been blabbering on about.

We have heard a lot in the media about Russian separatists shelling Ukraine. The reality is, it goes both ways. In fact, Kiev (Ukrainian capital) has shelled the Lugansk People’s Republic 49 times per day. Russia’s actions just stopped that bloodshed.

Essentially, the DPR/LPR long ago divided themselves from Ukraine. It’s akin to us Conservatives wanting to ditch Liberal government/society. All right, maybe that’s just wishful thinking, but you get the point…

But it gets better!

Kiev Was Going To Invade The DPR

On February 20th, it was reported that Kiev was going to invade the DPR with the approval of the West. This is why days ago we heard reports of 700,000 people from the DPR being evacuated to Russia.

Russia’s move not only stopped this pending invasion, but gave the predominantly Russian people in the DPR/LPR their own sovereign nation.

Remember what we learned about concerning Ukrainian “indigenous people” yesterday?

Russia has also placed peacekeepers in the region and has brought in humanitarian aid for the newly sovereign states.

So go ahead and make a note.

Kiev and the West cannot invade or continue to shell the DPR/LPR. In so doing, they will be provoking a war with a sovereign nation that will no doubt bring Russia’s wrath.

Oh… This is a massive can of worms!

The West Is Ticked

The West is already up in arms!

The U.S. and NATO wasted no time condemning Russia’s actions. Why even the United Nations issued an emergency meeting. Apparently, Putin received no support from the Security Council.

Surprise, surprise!

After all, the United States provides 22% of NATO’s budget and 22% of the U.N.’s budget, (side note, Putin once asked Clinton about Russia joining NATO).


Oil nears $100 bones a barrel.

More bearish bets are coming in for the stock market.

Today just might be a (another) blood bath for markets.

By the way, Europe is almost out of Russian gas.

No wonder why the West will not sanction Russia until bombs are dropped. You know, Russia could shut off the gas, and Europe just might freeze. FYI, Putin said, he will keep the gas flowing.

Fear And Doom

Meanwhile, the West leads with headlines like this:

Fox News is peddling this one, Putin Is Ending ‘Post-Cold War’ Stability — World Must ‘Brace Itself for What Follows’.

How about a quote from that fear mongering piece!?

“Tonight, Bret, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the post-Cold War architecture, which ensured a rules-based order, stability, and respect for the sovereignty of nations. The world must now brace itself for what follows.”

Dun, dun dunnnnn!

That’s my drumbeat to queue the impending doom.

Apparently, Putin took a stab at the U.S.-led world order.

This doesn’t surprise me in the least.

In my opinion, the West is clearly bullying Russia for more power and control over the world. That’s why they are working so hard to capture power and control over Ukraine. It’s the same old story, we are witnessing the consolidation of power and wealth across the globe.

The media is portraying this as a world changing event.

I tell you what, if it wasn’t for stories about;

We may have never heard a single peep about this whole Russia/Ukraine deal. Yet, we are supposed to trust our government and rally behind it?

Haha, you must be kidding me!

After everything we’ve been though?

Of course, in the end, that is the point when we talk about globalization…

The people are supposed to be upset with their governments. Governments are supposed to get upset with the arrangements of the current world order.

This all helps bring about, a new world order.

Are we having fun yet, how’s the popcorn?

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