Our Nation Is Being Flushed Down The Toilet

To say Joe Biden is out of touch with reality is beyond an understatement. During a recent press conference, Biden said Americans are able to get through the Taliban checkpoints.

Even the liberal media has said that is not happening.

Biden also said, our creditability is not being questioned by the international community.

That is an absolute lie.

All over the map again, there is so much going on, I want to cover as much as possible.

British Commander: Biden Should Be Court Martialed

This is beyond a national embarrassment.

In our other article, “This Is Why Afghanistan’s Army Folded” it becomes clear.

Our government cannot be trusted.

So why are we listening to their ever changing narrative on COVID-19?

Folks, our government gave the Taliban billions and billions of dollars in weaponry. They armed the Taliban with the Afghan army’s weapons. That is what has happened.

By the U.S. leaving Afghanistan, knowing it was going to collapse, which they did, our government gave those arms to the Taliban. Our government (politicians) is the enemy here.

This is a crime against the American people and world.

This is a crime against the Afghan people.

Look at the liberal media…

Now, even they are no longer covering for Biden?


They covered for Biden during the whole election when his cognitive abilities were called into question. Now they are throwing the guy under the bus. The fact of the matter, at this point, no one can cover for Biden.

Look at this one.

In another interview with CNN’s Clarissa Ward, she said,

There isn’t a plan in place.

Speaking in regard to how the evacuations are being handled.


No one is covering for Biden, unless you are a part of Biden’s cabinet.

Listen to the Defense Secretary of the United States.

Defense Sec After He Falsely Claims Taliban Are Allowing All Americans Into Airport

Did you hear that?

Secretary Austin said,

“The Taliban is allowing people to pass through.”

When the Taliban fails to let Americans through, Austin says,

“We engage the Taliban leadership.”

You what?

You tell them to play nice?

This is a catastrophe!

If all personnel had been evacuated ahead of time, we would not be in this mess. This is what happens when unqualified people are in power. Ironically enough, I have seen massive failures myself from those in the C-suite at companies I worked for.

Nothing like this.

So what do the American people think?

Who’s In Charge? Most Voters Don’t Think It’s Biden

A majority of voters don’t think President Joe Biden is mentally and physically capable of doing his job, and suspect the White House is actually being run by others.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden is really doing the job of president – that’s down from 47% in March. A majority of voter (51%) now say others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. Another 10% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


The White House is always being run by someone other than the President.

Big money and agendas rule the day, ie: globalism.

Why do you think our nation continues its move toward a globalized world?

Little by little, day by day.

It just moves more rapid under Democrats.

Conspiracy World

Now the conspiracies are running wild.

Just about everyone doubts Biden can lead the country at this point (true). So that means ol Kamala Harris could be the next President. Some folks seem to think that was the plan all along.

So riddle me this Batman…

If that was the plan, and the elections were totally and completely fraudulent (they always are rigged), then why did they not just have Kamala run for office, and fix the votes so she won?

Why fix the elections for Joe, only to pin a crisis on Joe, to yank him, and insert Kamala?

It makes no sense.

Some wise wizard comes up with this type of thing and everyone latches on.

Can we not think for ourselves anymore?

Some people come up with this stuff to try and make sense out of a situation. We don’t need to explain every single detail folks.

This is why we don’t play conspiracy games.

This is why we don’t listen to the hoards online who keep telling us Revelation 18:23 is about the COVID vaccine.

You will see, as always, time moves on, and everyone who believed the conspiracy will soon forget, and bite the next one.

It’s always that way.

Afghan COVID Distraction

Some of us are rightfully wondering, is the Afghanistan pull out a distraction from the COVID-19 narrative?

It appears, late February of 2020 is when the Trump Admin negotiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan. COVID was already a thing at that point.

My question has been, our government knew we should not be in Afghanistan all these years, they knew about the Afghan army failures. One of President Trump’s campaign slogans was he was going to end the wars.

So why did he wait until the end of his term to end the war?

Who knows.

The fact is, Biden knew the withdrawal date was May 1st and he failed to have everyone out by then. Then he evacuated the troops without the civilians.


One thing is certain, no matter what you believe here.

Our government has failed over and over again.

They failed in Afghanistan and they have rearmed the terrorists. All while telling you to get the jab or you cannot work. It’s becoming that way for many Americans at this point.

Only our government is not the one making that decision, but their propaganda has made it all possible.

You remember who gave us Doctor Fauci.

One final point here, COVID is so deadly, none of the Afghan people are wearing masks. Further, Biden is flying them into our country right now to enter your communities.

Our government is telling us COVID is dangerous to control us. If they really felt COVID was as deadly as advertised, they would not bring in Afghan’s or allow illegals from our southern border in.

Look at actions, not words!

Matthew 7:20
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

See: Matthew 7:16-20

Trump Crowds And COVID

Over the weekend, I saw Donald Trump had a rally in Alabama.

Here is a photo from it.

America, do those people look scared of COVID to you?

If you listened to your government, mainstream media, and corporations, they would have you believe all those people are dead as a doornail.

Yet, they are out there living life.

They were not all cheers for Trump however.

A few boos rang out when Trump advised everyone to get vaccinated. He quickly backed off that statement.

The vaccine propaganda needs to stop now, right now!

It’s been proven over and over again, COVID is hyped.

Why would you take a vaccine for a virus that’s not harmful to the average American?

  • For the sake of doing it?
  • For the sake of getting along?
  • Because someone told you that you should?

Remember folks, Trump had COVID and he is over 70 years old.

The 64 year old Texas Governor had COVID four days ago, now he tests negative. He explained the infection was brief and mild, by the way, he was vaccinated and still got COVID.

Americans Are Suffering

Meanwhile, Americans are either losing their jobs or risk losing their jobs due to the government created COVID pandemic. The only solution to save your job is if you take the vaccine.

The CDC told us long ago, SARS-COV-2 which causes COVID-19 is a mild illness unless you are older WITH compromised health to begin with.

The CDC told us,

Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.


So why are healthy Americans being forced to take a jab or lose their job!!!???


We are being brainwashed and utterly manipulated.

Our government is once again seeking to gain more control over us.

Friend’s, when has the governments advice ever helped?

Was the government right concerning the war on terrorism?

Absolutely not!

Has the government been right about COVID-19?

Absolutely not!

You will notice, the pro-COVID crowd is not being silenced or censored. Only the crowd who is pointing out the flaws with the COVID narrative.

That tells you everything is about control. About manipulating your mind to go along with the narrative.

Folks, look at all the supposed progress in Afghanistan that has been wiped out now. If you listen to your government much more, what other kind of mess will we be in?

If we take the jab now, we will forever take the jab as COVID is not going away. There will always be a new variant which means a new vaccine is needed.

If we fold now, we will be just like the Afghan army and have no hope of reclaiming the freedoms of our nation.

Don’t leave out God.

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