Would Jesus Call Someone Names?

This was an email I received in response to a recent article. I am making this public to provide some perspective for everyone.

Name: Name withheld
Question: Would Jesus call someone names like that????

Answer: Thank you for the question.

It’s tough running a site like this without ruffling some feathers from time to time.

The Bible and politics, right?

I am curious though, where did you see that I called someone names?

I certainly used some descriptive terms, but I didn’t actually call anyone a name. I have certainly called people names in the past, but it was very true and fitting. Just not this article. I am pointing this out for a very good reason, which will become obvious in a moment.

I do want to mention, the work in question is honest humor. I think we all need to laugh a little more these days. I try to make the news fun when I can, not always, but sometimes I can. People have told me they appreciate that.

To answer your question though, Jesus did call people names, to their faces even. I just wrote an article on the internet these people will never see.

Jesus Called Names

Jesus told the Pharisees, “Ye are of your father the devil.” A spiritual note, but pretty harsh, (John 8:44). Christ also told the Pharisees, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:23).

Harsh words and pretty judgmental, right?

Jesus didn’t stop there, He also told the Pharisees, “Ye fools.” During His rant, Christ called them, “blind guides” and topped it by saying, “Ye fools and blind,” (Luke 11:40, Matthew 23:16-17).

Jesus had more names and descriptive words to use yet! Jesus told the Pharisees they were “full of hypocrisy and iniquity,” (Matthew 23:28). Jesus even called people “liars”, (Revelation 2:2).

Jesus Beat People Up

It’s not mentioned very often, but Jesus even had a pretty violent spell.

Matthew 21:12
And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

One more verse.

John 2:15
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

Jesus not only overthrow the tables and chairs, but He beat them with a whip. Peaceful Jesus put a bruising on the people. You have to read the Book to know why.

So name withheld, I think we all have to remember to be Christ-like, but that also includes being real people, and calling things the way they are.

The fact of the matter is, one day, Jesus is going to rule the nations with a “rod of iron,” (Revelation 2:27). That rod is for putting a bruising on people.

God’s Going To Kill Lots Of People

Moreover, at the end of the Tribulation, there will be a great feast of dead bodies. God will prepare and cause all of that death, with hailstones weighing about 100lbs. I tell you what, those hailstones are going to crush God’s enemy’s like a pancake, (Revelation 19:17-19, Ezekiel 39:17-20).

Then if we rewind Scripture, God had the Israelites kill thousands upon thousands of people, showing no mercy, (Deuteronomy 7:2, 16). We are talking about blood and death. God even told the Israelites they could take the women and children for their own, (Deuteronomy 20:10-15, 21:10-13).

There was good reason for all of this, but you have to read the Book to know why.

At the end of the Millennium, God is going to destroy all the sinners and people who don’t turn back to Him. They are going into the Lake of Fire to be vaporized, (Revelation 20:13-15).

I purposely made this a little descriptive so we all ensure we are being real with one another. So we can ensure we have an honest expectation of what being a Christian means, and what the Son and Father’s actions are and will be.

So let’s take it all in stride.

Otherwise, I feel we turn Christianity into something it’s not.

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