Would You Be Willing To Get A COVID Vaccine In Exchange For A $1,500 Stimulus Check?

CNBC ran this headline just a few days ago. Do you see the levels they are willing to go to in order to psychologically condition you to whatever agenda comes along?

How many people are broke these days due to government imposed lockdowns?

Americans Are Busted

Supposedly, in the United States, 66% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. If that is true, then the situation in our country is far worse than any of us understand.

Let’s keep putting the puzzle pieces together.

It has become socially acceptable for the government to print new money and give it to the people, in order to save them from their own misery. That is now a socially acceptable solution.

I am sure you have noticed, there have been no further bailouts for the American people which are wrong to begin with. The lockdowns need to be lifted, then the people can work for themselves. Our Federal government is trying to condition you to accept socialist practices.

Nevertheless, what a perfect setup…

The COVID-19 vaccine is now becoming available right when Americans are more busted than ever. In order for Americans to comply and accept the vaccine, how about a bonus check for doing so?

How many of those on the fence will comply and accept the COVID-19 vaccine, the socialist check, and also, don’t forget, the accompanying COVID-19 Vaccination ID card issued by the Department of Defense?

Regardless if that happens or not, the idea has been planted into our mind.

Do you see the end goal now?

Obedience To Government

It’s not about a vaccine. That is only the means to an end.

The goal is your obedience to the government. The goal is for you to accept some new system, some new identification which is setting us up for the next leg, a global government. The entire world is doing the same thing right now.

This all reminds me of “The Great Apostasy,” and I think it is an example for what is coming…

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