Digital ID Is Further Along Than We Thought

Last week, a reader forwarded me a link concerning Ukraine. From there, it led me to uncover even more about digital identification which is gripping our world. In fact, what I will share today tells us, digital ID is far beyond where any of us imagined.

Before we uncover that, we have to understand the current state of affairs which are critical to the discussion. The saga in Ukraine has left many people scratching their heads trying to explain it. If that’s you, “This Is What Russia Really Wants” is required reading.

As we recently outlined, once Ukraine left the Soviet Union, it was actively recruited by the West. Namely, the United States and NATO. You can read more about this in “NATO Covertly Brought Ukraine Under Its Umbrella”.

Between those two articles, you will have a good understanding of the narrative at hand.

With that laid out, let’s dive in.

Ukraine Already Has Digital Identification

We have come to learn that Ukraine already has its very own digital identification system in place. Ukrainians can access it online or via an app on their phone called Diia. This isn’t just an app, it’s an entire digital identification infrastructure developed by the government.

Not just one government though…

From here, I am going to walk you through some of the frequently asked questions from Diia.

Who Is Financing The Project?

No public funds are spent on the Action project. The Action Portal was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the support of USAID / UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS , EGAP funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation and Innovabridge, USAID Interaction!” (SACCI) and the EGOV4UKRAINE project.

Diia FAQ 5

Ukraine is saying, no tax dollars have been used to fund the project. Instead, foreign funds have been used to design and implement their digital identification system.

Did you notice USAID?

That would be the United States of America’s AID program. That means, citizens of the United States of America and other foreign nations have funded digital ID in Ukraine.

What does that tell you about our own future digital identification programs?

That it’s certainly on the way here at home. It’s simply be rolled out and tested abroad.

I took the liberty to find more information out about USAID and their involvement in Ukraine.

Take a look at this.

Did you catch that?

In 1992, USAID signed a bilateral agreement on humanitarian, economic and technical cooperation with Ukraine to help the country develop its economic, political and societal potential.

This is exactly what we pointed out in “NATO Covertly Brought Ukraine Under Its Umbrella.” This ties right into the US-Ukraine charter agreements, and of course, their earlier NATO involvement.

The fact of the matter is, USAID has been working with Ukraine for 20 years on projects like Diia.

Now how about some more information from their FAQ page?

Who Implements The Action Project?

The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Digital Transformation. The Ministry of Finance is the new ministry in the Government of Ukraine with a new approach, vision and methods to achieve the goal by 2024 – 100% of services provided by the state online.

Diia FAQ 6

Hey, these boys are getting right to it!

Their entire nation will partake in the digital transformation by 2024. That’s six years earlier than the United Nations planned.

Perhaps now you understand why the West is fighting so hard for Ukraine. As we have said, the conflict in Ukraine is a must-win for the West and Russia. The West has a tremendous amount of dollars, time, and energy invested into bringing Ukraine into the liberal world order.

Now you’re wondering…

Is It Possible To Get Services In The Application?

This question comes from their FAQ question 13.

The following digital documents are now available in the mobile application:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID card;
  • biometric passport;
  • taxpayer card (RNOKPP);
  • driver’s license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • vehicle insurance policy;
  • student ID;
  • certificate of resettlement (IDP);
  • your child’s birth certificate.

Not listed here, but on their homepage, they even tie in a “vaccine certificate”.

Further, they explain these digital documents can be used to confirm your identity for “traveling”, “receiving postal items”, and “banking services”. You can even pay your traffic fines and debts from “enforcement proceedings”.

“Digital documents have the same legal force as plastic ones.”

As you can see, they pretty much have it all covered. They have successfully merged paper identification systems into the digital realm. This all came into effect in 2019, pre-COVID.


As I continued to explore the Ukrainian Diia page, I found FAQ 12. There I found this quote.

After downloading the application, the user must log in with BankID. After entering the application, the user will be free to use electronic documents, which will appear in the application automatically if the registers contain complete data.

What is BankID?

Let’s find out.

According to their homepage.

How about that, BankID has been a leading expert in digital identification for 20 years.

Here’s more of the story.

For over 20 years, the European Union has been working on digital identification.

BankID appears to be the backbone for the system being used in Ukraine and other nations. Moreover, it’s used by many other institutions and organizations. From reading the BankID website, it’s extremely established and common for society in Sweden.

We have revolutionised everyday life throughout Swedish society – without compromising security. Through fast and secure digital identification, we enable a modern and accessible society.


Honestly, I had already seen enough, but I decided to continue, to see what else I could discover.

European Commission’s Roadmap For Vaccine Passports

As we can see, back in 2018, the European Commission was already working on a vaccination passport. We know this will be wrapped into any future digital identification.

Before that…

Workshop On Digital Onboarding Solutions

Back in 2018, a digital workshop took place in Brussels.

Ahh, did you catch that?

There we have BankID once again.

This reminds me of a World Economic Forum document.

WEF: Digital Identity

This screenshot is from the World Economic Forum’s latest and greatest digital identity document. As you can see, in the future, your digital identity will literally encompass every single aspect of life.

Including, vaccine passports.

But, there is more…

Gain Digital Trust

I must say, I didn’t recognize the name “Gain Digital Trust,” but they put together a very informative white paper on digital identity.

Just like the World Economic Forum, they outline how digital identification will be used in our daily life.

Once again, we see BankID mentioned.

The gist is, digital identification entities and systems are already in existence

The problem?

They are fragmented.

In Canada, you will notice they already have a digital identity verification system in place. It’s called, “”. In the United States, not listed above, there is an organization called “” that has a broad reach already.

Many of us have used these systems, and probably didn’t even realize what it was.

The goal of the United Nations, European Commission, World Economic Forum, Gain Trust, and other entities, is to merge the world together. To combine all of these digital identity systems into one entity, for complete user trust (insert laughter), in order to implement a truly global digital identification system.

WEF: Blueprint For Digital Identity

Of course, this goes back to 2016 and the World Economic Forum’s Blueprint for Digital Identity.

Yet, before that, and where this all originated from was the United Nations.

ID2020 Goals of the United Nations

Just as we outlined in, “Global Digital Identification Is Coming: ID2020” and “As Agenda 2030 Roars To Life, So Does America’s Social Credit System”.

So when you hear about digital identity and vaccine passports, that was all planned long ago. Truly, back in 2015 when governments the world over decided we all needed to have digital identification.

It’s the natural course in human history at this point, look at our progression and technology. Unfortunately, our leaders are not worthy of our trust to implement such a system, that will be used in diabolical ways.

Think about it, over the last two years, people have been fired from their jobs, booted off of social media, and denied services due to their political or religious beliefs. Either you are on board with the global order, or you get axed.

I must add, many people keep blaming all of globalism and digital identity on the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab. How short-sighted this is. If you are looking for someone to pin the blame on, it clearly lies with the United Nations where this all started.

Yet, you can dial the blame in some more.

With your own nations who fund the United Nations. So when it gets right down to it, you need to pin the blame on your Presidents, Prime Ministers, and politicians. Past to present, they keep funding the United Nations, and this global beast that continues to increase in power.


In the future, it’s going to be impossible to navigate everyday life without digital identity. It’s simply where the world is headed, which is absolutely tied into a global world order. Call it a new world order if you want, but this is exactly what the Bible said would happen in the Last Days.

Digital ID will be tied to every aspect of life, currency will become digital. Everything you do, every transaction will be recorded in this new digital world. Imagine the power governments and organizations will weld. Power to turn off your identity, locking you out of systems if you do not comply with their directive.

Digital ID is coming.

It’s been in the works for more than 20 years, and it’s active in numerous nations already.

The only question is, how long until it becomes our reality?

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