Build your faith belief foundation

Build your

faith belief foundation

Are you looking for answers to life’s most pressing questions?
I’ll help you understand the Bible, while making sense of our mixed up world.

Understand the Bible

From topical Bible study, to verse by verse, questions, notes, and devotions; you have the resources to build your faith.
How Old Is The Earth?

How Old Is The Earth?

Do we live on a young earth or an old earth? I looked at the days of Genesis, how long a day is with God, and geologic mysteries to answer that question.

Ask a question

If you have questions about the Bible, I’ll help you find the answers.
When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

While Satan once roamed the earth, he is presently bound in Heaven. In the future, Satan will be cast from Heaven to earth which initiates the Tribulation.

Make sense of the news

The world has become a complicated place. I talk about current events through a much needed Christian perspective.

Christian commentary

We need more Christian voices in today’s world, not less. Nothing is off topic.

Think, Think, Think.

Have you ever thought about how we think, and where are beliefs come from? Think about the information we are exposed to each day. This will be a thinking challenge for all Christians.

Think Outside Of The Box

The events of our time are more troubling than ever. Now is a good time to stop and reflect on our own beliefs. Now is a moment, to think outside of the box.


The Bible instructs us to gather together as a community, to uplift, and help our family in Christ. We’re here for you!

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My purpose is to help you understand the Bible and the world around us.

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