25% Of Young People Considered Suicide Due To COVID-19 Restrictions

25% of young people have considered suicide in the last 30 days. This was due to restrictions brought about by government in response to COVID-19. This is a truly disturbing trend, but not a surprising one. One we expected.

In fact, I recall mentioning from the very beginning of this crisis, there will be more deaths from COVID policies, than from COVID itself. I think we all knew that was going to occur.

Youth are not the only ones being affected, even CNN reported,

In the general US population, the CDC reported that 11% of adults surveyed had seriously considered suicide in the past 30 days before they completed the survey. Among those identifying as Black or Hispanic, the numbers were worse: 19% of Hispanics reported suicidal ideation and 15% of Blacks reported suicidal thoughts.

Suicide Reports Now Confirmed

In the past, we heard reports of this from doctors, now we are seeing the reports from the mainstream media. This proves the lockdowns and mask-wearing has been an utter disaster, that is, if one truly wants society to continue moving forward…

Yet, government will stay the course, and continue to make our life a living hell. They will bicker and fight with one another, which in turn, will make us all bicker and fight with each other. That is, except for a small portion of the population who can see through the lies.

Are you one of them?

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