7 Facts That Show America’s Decline

We can see it.

We can feel it.

America is in deep decline.

There are many events that point to this unfortunate fact for our once great nation. America’s decline does not revolve around one event or issue. The decline of our nation concerns moral rot, a lack of trust, and an unfortunate shift away from traditional values.

I captured some major societal shifts, and I’ll present them in one simple article.

Let’s take a look.

1. Record-High 50% of Americans Rate U.S. Moral Values as ‘Poor’

A record-high 50% of Americans rate the overall state of moral values in the U.S. as “poor,” and another 37% say it is “only fair.” Just 1% think the state of moral values is “excellent” and 12% “good.”


It’s not a good sign, but we can all see the degradation of our nations morality. Is as if Isaiah 5:20 has popped off the pages of Scripture.

Today, perversion is common place. It’s open and accepted, and if you disagree with it, well then, you’re the outcast for not accepting it. It’s an amazing and unfortunate turn of events.

Take a look at this, when Gallup asked Americans,

How would you rate the overall state of moral values in this country today — as excellent, good, only fair or poor?

This is how Americans answered along political lines.

As usual, apart of America’s decline is her rapid division along party lines.

It’s no secret, Republicans typically cling to traditional values, while Democrats are less focused on such concepts. This dramatic rift in policy has divided our nation and one of the major pain points is homosexuality and how it’s presented to the public.

2. Americans’ Confidence in Higher Education Down Sharply

A big part of having an educated citizenry is having a trustworthy education system.

Unfortunately, in America, higher education long ago turned into a business. It became far more concerned with making increasing profits, then showing care and concern for students.

Due to that and the politicalization of the classroom,

Americans’ confidence in higher education has fallen to 36%, sharply lower than in two prior readings in 2015 (57%) and 2018 (48%). In addition to the 17% of U.S. adults who have “a great deal” and 19% “quite a lot” of confidence, 40% have “some” and 22% “very little” confidence.


Look how the results breakdown along party lines and other demographics.

Essentially, everyone in America is becoming less trusting of our education system. These days, every young person is pressed to go to college, when college was never intended for all people. There are plenty of jobs and opportunities out there without occurring $100,000 in school debt.

Our lack of trust in education stems from many aspects, but there’s no debating the fact. A college education of today, is not what it was yesterday.

3. U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time

This next one breaks my heart.

Americans’ membership in houses of worship continued to decline last year, dropping below 50% for the first time in Gallup’s eight-decade trend. In 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999.


More and more Americans continue to turn away from God. We see it in all aspects of society. Look at the rapid decline in morality that we opened with. It’s all tied to people leaving our faith and those who do not accept Jesus Christ.

Just look at this graph over time.

It’s easy to blame churches that have veered from the faith. They are a big reason for the decline of Christianity, without good churches, there are less people being swayed to attend.

However, we too have our own obligation to adhere to our Christian faith. In the early days of Christianity, people getting together and lifting up each other was the church. Not any particular building or denomination.

More of us need to realize that, and return to our roots, or we risk our faith continuing to fade.

4. Extreme Pride in Being American Remains Near Record Low

At 39%, the share of U.S. adults who are “extremely proud” to be American is essentially unchanged from last year’s 38% record low. The combined 67% of Americans who are now extremely or “very proud” (28%) also aligns with the historically subdued 65% reading one year ago.


Just look at how “pride to be American” has steadily declined over the years.

Why such a change?

Just look at all of the topics we’ve covered so far. They are not in an isolated silo, all of these elements work together to define who we are as Americans. As we continue to lose more of our traditional values, we continue to lose pride for our nation.

Not to mention, newer generations that come along who don’t hold our values.

Now, in order to see the complete picture, we must look at these numbers along political lines as well.

As we can see, our nation is quite literally fractured in half, and the division only grows more and more by the day.

The primary reason?

One sect of society has removed itself from our culture and heritage, while the other side stays rooted. Jesus told us, a nation divided cannot stand, (Matthew 12:25).

Sobering words we must comprehend.

5. A Record-High Share of 40-Year-Olds in the U.S. Have Never Been Married

As of 2021, 25% of 40-year-olds in the United States had never been married. This was a significant increase from 20% in 2010, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.

Pew Research

Isn’t this just astounding?

Take a look at this chart.

Look how the numbers have skyrocketed since 1980. Today in America, there is no value on marriage, the decline in family values is directly related to our fall away from Christianity.

The lack of a family unit is the reason why drugs are so common these days. It’s why single mothers abound, and so many of societies ills continue to escalate. Without marriage, men and women feel free to have sex with brings about children who grow up without fathers.

It’s a travesty most truly do not comprehend, a travesty that will continue to haunt our nation.

Is it any wonder why that leads us to number 6?

6. Americans Take a Dim View of the Nation’s Future, Look More Positively at the Past

…when Americans reflect on the country’s past, the present looks worse by comparison. Around six-in-ten (58%) say that life for people like them is worse today than it was 50 years ago.

Pew Research

Now think about life 50 years ago…

It wasn’t exactly peachy either.

However, while there were many troubles during that, there were also many good things left in America. We still clung to God, and we placed real value on the concept of marriage.

In this poll, not only did Americans favor the past, they don’t see much hope looking forward.

Sizable majorities of U.S. adults say that in 2050 – just over 25 years away – the U.S. economy will be weaker, the United States will be less important in the world, political divisions will be wider and there will be a larger gap between the rich and the poor.

Pew Research

7. 47% of Americans Consider Voting Third Party for President

Independents say more than 2 to 1 (64 – 30 percent) that they would consider voting for a third-party candidate in the 2024 presidential election while Democrats (61 – 35 percent) and Republicans (57 – 38 percent) say they would not consider it.


Due to America’s continued decline, everything about our nation is changing.

Many of us have become disgusted with the two party system composed of Republicans and Democrats. Neither party serves the people, and the issues that really matter in our time are never addressed.

Instead, each party offers lip service to their constituents in order to gain their vote.

This next chart shows how fed up Americans really are.


This list of seven firmly concludes, America is in decline. A decline that has been in the making for a very long time, and one that continues to escalate a little more each day.

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