A New Financial System Is Beginning To Rise

A new global precedent has been set.

Leaders from 80 nations recently convened for the first ever, “Summit for a New Global Financial Pact.” This wasn’t just another globalist meetup. This summit sets the stage for a radical transformation of the global financial system.

I’ve been warning about this for years, and how I believe such an event is directly tied to the End Times. I went into great depths on this in my article, “The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.”

In fact, the aim of the summit was to “modernize the world’s financial system” by using “financially backed climate action.”

You know, the financial system that was established back in the 1940s.

World leaders at the summit publicly stated, the goal is to retire the present financial system, in place of a new international system. This new system will focus on fighting climate change, inequality, restructuring debt, reducing poverty, and offering support to the nations most affected by climate change.

The Barbados Prime Minister clearly laid out the goal by saying,

“What is required by us now is absolute transformation and not reform of our institutions.”

If all of this sounds like the United Nations Sustainability Goals, you’re spot on. French President Emmanuel Macron even cited these goals, which he said “have given us tremendous momentum” to help us face our “deteriorating planet.”

I must add, Macron was misquoted by nearly everyone in the media.

He did not call for a “finance shock.” Macron actually said, “our world is faced with multiple shocks,” (7 min mark). He said this with respect to the pandemic and the financial catastrophe that followed, not to mention the climate change propaganda.

Macron’s point was, constant and continued global uncertainty means, the world must unite to form a new financial order.

That’s where we’re going.

In fact, the same rational is what led to the creation of the existing world order in the 1940s, right after uncertainties and the calamity known as World War II.

Looking Forward

All right now, let’s backup for a moment.

Look my friends…

  • It doesn’t matter what you believe about man made climate change.
  • It doesn’t matter that our glaciers have been melting for 12,000 years.
  • It doesn’t matter that Neptune and Mars have experienced global warming.
  • It doesn’t matter that we had record breaking cold last year.

The only thing that matters is you comply with the global consensus, because our leaders are convinced climate change is real. In the very least, they’re using it as a tool to bring about a new financial order that will affect every nation, every company, and every person on the planet.

We are talking about global change of epic and unprecedented proportions.

The stage for this radical anti-God transformation was set decades ago. Yet, it rapidly escalated in 2020, with the advent of the protests in Minnesota, and the Covid pandemic that gripped and forever changed our world.

I still recall what I said back in March of 2020,

“I guarantee you, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, our nation and world will forever change.”

Unfortunately, those words have become our reality.

Since then, we have seen an escalated push for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The concept is to rid the world of cash, and replace it with a digital form of money. That way, everyone is forced to comply with the new system, and if they don’t, they’re locked out.

At this point, we can easily see how digital currency and identification go hand in hand with the new financial system that is now being discussed.

Friends, I want you to make note, over the years, we’ve all talked about these subjects. They’ve all been like a giant puzzle. Now, all of the pieces are on the table in plain sight, and the final pieces are being put together as you read this.

The whole push for CBDC is yet another reason why we continue to hear about an ailing United States dollar, as more countries pull away from our ever inflated currency. Without the destruction of the U.S. dollar, it’s hard to envision a new financial system arising.

The United States will not willingly relinquish control of the world through their fiat currency. However, they will make a play so they continue to stay at the top and be a key player. As I’ve said many times, there cannot be a new global order, without the destruction of the old world order.

What I have discussed are the beginning marks of a new global system. It’s beginning with the initial voices of change. It will not be an overnight process, but it is a process that is now in motion, and most of the world seems to be on board with this global plan to renew the financial order.

I want to show you a few more articles, and highlight some key quotes that surround this unprecedented summit.

World Leaders On The Summit Pact

The goal is to enhance cooperation among the international community in the face of the threefold challenge of poverty, climate change and the erosion of biodiversity by uniting as many partners as possible around a common roadmap, against a backdrop of international tensions.”

“The aim of the Summit was to lay the foundations for a renewed international financial system.”

The global financial architecture is outdated, dysfunctional, and unjust. It is no longer capable of meeting the needs of the 21st century world.”

“The path forward is clear: we must forge ahead with a global transition to ensure our economies are future-proof.”


As we can see, the players are playing the game, and they’re not backing down. Their aim is to fulfill Agenda 2030, and make it become a reality by the end of the decade. We see that push more and more each and everyday.

The days ahead will bring about a lot of change for the world. It won’t be good. This new era will mean you have less freedom, as the walls continue to close in on God’s faithful. This new era will consist of a world where God is a former thought, as man sets up his globalist utopia.

We are approaching, the Tower of Babel 2.0, an event that just may bring God down.

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