Always Build Up, Never Tear Down

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Romans 14:19

We are being told to seek after the things that build peace and harmony within Christianity. That’s what “edify” means, to build up. When we build each other, and encourage one another, it makes our brothers and sisters in Christ stronger and furthers His cause.

It makes our world better!

Scripture is filled with verses like this.

However, we often forget about these unifying words when it comes to disagreement. That disagreement can be about anything, but especially over our Biblical beliefs. Far too often, we are quick to shout down other Christians who don’t believe as we do.

Unfortunately, this is all too common within Christianity.

Long ago, I thought if I studied Scripture long enough, and in detail, all through prayer, that I could be certain I had everything correct. Then I discovered there are thousands of denominations and hundreds of different Bible translations.

Then I remembered the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek. I discovered there are thousands of manuscripts that read a little differently. That was the most frustrating part.

Then I thought to myself…

  • Could little ol Brandon actually figure it all out?
  • 100%?

Not a chance.

Then I discovered something I thought was Biblically true, wasn’t.

Earth shaking.

That rocked my world for a bit.

That’s when I came to the realization there is only one thing that truly matters…

Let me quote from our About page.

“When this life ends and we are back with God, the most important thing that will matter is how well we followed the Great Commandment, (Matthew 22:36-38). Not how well we understood every minute detail that has been translated over and over.”

There it is.

That was my epiphany.

That’s the most important thing, Jesus said so.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never stop studying and doing my best to find what I believe the truth is. There is a lot of obvious untruth out there. However, you cannot be so certain about your belief that you slam, insult, and shame other Christians who believe differently than you.

Hey, let’s have a debate about our beliefs.

That’s how we all mature and grow as Christians and people. However, never slam someone for their beliefs. Never be so pompous that you think you’re right, and everyone else is wrong.

Remember, there are thousands of manuscripts that read differently. There are thousands of denominations that all believe a little different than you and I. Moreover, there are hundreds of different English Bible translations that read differently.

So, which one of us has the whole truth?

None of us.

I don’t believe there has ever been a soul on this earth that had it all right, except Jesus Christ.

That’s why we pray, that’s why we study. God see’s that, God see’s us putting in work and He will bless that, (Matthew 6:6). It proves that you love Him, and that’s what Scripture is based on.

God loving you so much, that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to perish so you could live, (Romans 10:9). It’s amazing, it’s fantastic, and He did it to expand His Kingdom. We cannot expand His Kingdom if we work to divide it, by dividing each other.

So keep building each other up in the faith my friends, just keep on building.

Isaiah 57:14
And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people.

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