Don’t Be Fooled By The Perverse

Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

Romans 12:16

This is such a great verse for today.

I was just telling my wife about something in the news. How people in high positions prey on people in low positions. This happens everyday, all day, and they make it appear as if they are your friend, and sympathize with your cause.

In the end, they are only out for self.

They only care about self, what else can self obtain, how much more fame and power can self capture. In order to gain that, they have to sell you down the river. So they spin webs of lies and deception, to keep the camera pointed at them.

That keeps you focused on them.

Then they spin those webs to make even more money. So they can pile it on top of the money they already possess. This money, comes from “men of low estate” who were manipulated to give it away.

Oh, not literally, but the folks on the lower spectrum buy into the lie, the con, the product, the campaign contribution. Whatever it happens to be.

This is one of the main reasons, why so few people in the world have so much wealth.

They horde, they seek power and wealth, no matter the cost to someone else. They do not regard the “men of low estate.” They act like they do, but they steal from him, and they manipulate him to take what little he possesses. While continuing to grow their power and fame.

Now, it’s very true, you have to work very hard (honestly) to obtain wealth, that’s fantastic.

However, it’s also true that many of those you see on TV and the Forbes list have performed a lot of manipulation to get there. We are not supposed to be about self, we are supposed to be about “men of low estate.”

Hey, when we elevate our position in the world, through God’s blessings, we should elevate others. Just like Daniel did for his three friends.

Now, if you admire or have a role model who is a non-Christian, well, forget about learning any spiritual examples in life. Instead, you will watch someone else roll the Bentley down the block and put on the Rolley. You will watch someone else attend the most lavish party, and so on.

Then we have social media.

A cesspool of self-absorption, has it not taught us anything?

It’s about bickering, arguing, and flashing what you have, especially your body.

Self, self, self, and look at me!

When was the last time men of high estate helped the “men of low estate?”

  • It sure isn’t reducing taxes.
  • It sure isn’t shrinking big government.
  • It sure isn’t giving you more rights.

Yet, we cling to fools who tell us otherwise with their lips.

This is why we have to stay Scripturally sound. Otherwise, we’re going to be swept away by the con men of this world. By those looking out to improve their own life, without helping others.

Now, let’s bring that verse into focus.

  • We are supposed to “Be of the same mind one toward another.”

That means, we should look out for each other. When we do that, we are not placing ourselves above others. Remember what Jesus taught us about the Great Commandment?

  • We are supposed to, “Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.”

We are not supposed to focus on the “high things,” being the treasures of life. There’s no issue having some of them, but it shouldn’t be our focus in life. Instead, when we have enough, we should focus on helping out “men of low estate.” Again, that’s what Daniel did for his buddies.

  • We should not, “Be not wise in your own conceits.”

We are not supposed to be wise in our own eyes, (Proverbs 3:7). World leaders today think they are really smart. Yet, they continually lead the world from crisis to crisis. Instead, we are to love God and depart from evil.

We know these things, but when we focus on the world, we lose track.

Don’t lose track.

2 Peter 3:17
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

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