Americans Are Being Replaced By Illegals

It’s hard to fathom, but Americans are being replaced by illegal immigrants.

When you first read that, it sounds like hyperbole. Unfortunately, it’s anything but.

Birth rates in the United States have been plummeting for decades.

After the highs of the Baby Boom in the mid-20th century and the lows of the Baby Bust in the 1970s, birth rates were relatively stable for nearly 50 years.

But during the Great Recession, from 2007-2009, birth rates declined sharply – and they’ve kept falling. In 2007, average birth rates were right around 2 children per woman. By 2021, levels had dropped more than 20%, close to the lowest level in a century.

Study Finds

Today, the Baby Boomers are retiring, and younger generations are not having the children former generations had.

Take a look at this graph that shows the fertility rate in the United States.

Source: World Bank

In 1960, each woman had 3.7 children on average.

Today, each woman has just 1.6 children, a record low.

Here’s the problem…

The replacement fertility rate is about 2.1 children per woman. That means, if women are not having at least 2.1 children each, the population is declining. This is true all over the globe, but it’s more of a problem in developed nations like our own.

A major contributing factor is woman are having children later in life. Back in 2010, your average woman became a mother at age 23, today it’s 27, (source: CDC). Personally, I feel this massive change is due to modern society, and the morality shift we have seen in recent decades.

There is less focus on family values, and more focus on what someone can gain.

This brings about another problem, and the heart of today’s subject.

A Declining Workforce

Declining birth rates cause an aging and declining workforce.

The investment firm BlackRock took notice.

Source: BlackRock

As BlackRock put it,

Aging populations are negative for economic growth. Production capacity will grow less quickly in the future as an ever-larger share of the population is past retirement age and not working.

BlackRock also said,

Aging is bad news for future economic growth.


Economies won’t be able to produce as much.

So there you have it, it’s all about the money.

This would seem to be the primary reason why our nation continues to experience record levels of illegal immigration. No politician, on either side of the aisle has made this a priority, that in of itself is very telling.

I still remember now former President Trump saying back in 2019,

“We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in. And we need it.”


Trump was seated next to Apple CEO Tim Cook when he made this statement. The reason being, companies needed “new arrivals” in order to grow their businesses.

It’s always about the money.

Trump continued,

“It’s not a question of do we want [more immigration], these folks are going to have to sort of not expand too much. And if we tell them … these are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding. We want to have the companies grow and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing.”


It’s always about expanding, it’s always about more money and power. A little is never enough.

So what exactly was Trump doing?

Allowing in record numbers of illegal immigrants.

I am quite sure the context of Trump’s words were to bring in “immigrants” and not necessarily “illegal” ones. But folks, the proof is in the pudding. Since then, we have seen President Joe Biden set new records for illegals into the United States.

It’s the same tried story, from one administration to the next.

The fact of the matter is, no President has ever stopped illegal immigration.

Some may have slowed it down, but it’s never, ever been stopped, and there’s good reason as I explained, and as Trump explained. If they were to shut the border down, businesses couldn’t expand, and the United States would fall from its global power status.

Those at the top seek to protect what they possess, and you do not factor into their plans.

In reality, all of this could have been, and could be prevented. Instead of politicians supporting immorality, things such as homosexuality, abortion, and every so called “woke” policy under the sun, we could return and promote real family values.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

We live in a time of broken morality.

We long forgot about our neighbor, as we could take from them to enrich ourselves.

Matthew 22:37-39
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

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