The Declaration Of North America

Ten days ago, President Biden, Mexican President Obrador, and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau met for the 10th North American Leaders’ Summit.

Yes, this ties right into the North American Union chatter I recently discussed.

Unfortunately, the collusion is so widespread, they don’t even try to hide it anymore. Here’s the briefing that was issued by the White House, it discusses the meeting and agenda. Today, I’m going to share some highlights from that briefing with you.

This is how it begins.

The leaders are determined to fortify our region’s security, prosperity, sustainability and inclusiveness through commitments across six pillars:

All the globalist speak you could ever desire is right there.

Did you notice that bit…

“Our region?”

Not “our nations,” but “our region,” as if our nations are already unified.

Well, we might as well see what their six pillars are all about.

  1. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  2. Climate change and the environment
  3. Competitiveness
  4. Migration and development
  5. Health
  6. Regional security

Ahh yes, the six talking points of every globalist.

North America shares a unique history and culture… Our people share bonds of family and friendship and value… freedom, justice, human rights, equality, and democracy. This is the North American DNA.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

North American DNA?

I’ve heard it all now.

We don’t share any bonds with Mexico. It’s a nation infested with drugs and ran by drug cartels. Oh, but we share bonds for “justice.”


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Who are these goobers trying to fool?

The majority of “our region” is not okay with the LGBTQI agenda. Yet, here they are ramming it down our throats anyway. It’s a Satanic agenda, one that seeks to destroy God and the union He created between man and woman.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is foundational to the strength, vibrancy, and resilience of our countries.

Who writes this drivel?

That’s a damn lie, it’s the destruction of our countries. The globalists want to normalize this lingo and the behaviors that go along with them. Christians and folk with a conscience must reject this.

The leaders,

…reiterated their joint commitment to protect civil rights, promote racial justice, expand protections for LGBTQI+ individuals and deliver more equitable outcomes to all.

The only civil rights that are protected are those of the morally perverse and destitute. I keep hearing about “racial justice.” It’s not about justice, it’s about promoting minorities over whites. I hate to say that, but it’s just the reality we are faced with.

The fact of the matter is, our caucasian Christian heritage is being replaced, but why?

We’ll talk about that later.

The three countries also reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and empowerment of women and girls, in all their diversity by aiming to improve financial and political support for women’s and girl’s rights.

Is anyone else tired of the word “reaffirm?”

“Empowerment of women and girls, in all their diversity?”

What does that even mean?

Why it was just a few months ago when the new Supreme Court Justice could not tell us what a woman was. The reason, she was not a biologist, but hey, now we’re going to “reaffirm” and empower our women and girls.

If they gave a rip about our women they wouldn’t have men in their bathrooms and on their sports teams. We are dealing with the global coordinated destruction of our family nucleus.

Climate Change and Environment

Mexico, the United States, and Canada recognize the critical nature of taking rapid and coordinated measures to tackle the climate crisis and respond to its consequences.

Once again, the lingo of the globalists.

Do you realize Al Gore just said the recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act” was really a climate change bill?

They all know it, and they all admit it, after the fact.

This includes achieving our respective 2030 nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement, and working together and with other countries to keep a 1.5-degree C temperature limit within reach.

It’s all tied to United Nations Agenda 2030.

  • Did you ever get a say in the matter?
  • Have you asked your Congressman and Senator how they feel about this and what are they doing to stop this nonsense?

Look at this next bit.

We will move swiftly to accelerate the energy transition by deploying clean energy solutions, increasing the production and adoption of zero-emission vehicles in North America and transitioning to cleaner fuels.

They are referring to electric vehicles.

How exactly are electric vehicles “zero-emission” when they’re plugged into coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants that are not zero-emission?

Who cares about those minor details.

The goal is to pull the wool over the people’s eyes so they conform to the agenda at hand.


We seek to deepen our regional capacity to attract high quality investment.

It’s all about investments and making money. That’s why our auto manufacturing plants are constantly outsourced to Mexico. So you make less, and the corporate fat cats make more.

Honestly, what has Mexico ever contributed besides illegal immigrants?

All I hear is crickets.

Each country will review and map out existing and potential reserves of critical mineral resources in the region, while taking care of the environment, respecting local communities, and adhering to high ethical standards.

  • In the region.
  • Taking care of the environment.
  • Adhering to high ethical standards.

The bull smells so bad I can hardly write it.

  • How exactly do they take care of the environment when they mine away mountains to build a few electric cars?
  • How exactly do they have high ethical standards when they erase the history of our nation?

Ohh, you’re going to love this next segment.

Migration and Development

…under the Los Angeles Declaration, including working together to advance labor mobility in North America, particularly regarding regular pathways, and have been delivering on these commitments.

The leaders of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada just told you they are coordinating illegal immigration into the United States. I recently explained, Americans are being replaced by illegals and that’s what they’re telling you as well.

Not enough proof eh?

Since June, Mexico, the United States and Canada have collectively welcomed record numbers of migrants and refugees from the Western Hemisphere under new and expanded labor and humanitarian programs.

Mexico doesn’t collect anything, they let anyone and everyone pass their borders to enter ours. That’s criminal conduct in my book by a supposed partner nation. Then again, the goal is to bring illegals into the United States to bolster the population so the fat cats on Wall Street have wage slaves.

Now I know what you’re thinking, what was that bit about the “Los Angeles Declaration?”

I’m glad you asked, this is what the White House said…

Numerous South American nations, along with Haiti signed on to the framework which states,

We “…gathered in Los Angeles on the margins of the Ninth Summit of the Americas, reiterate our will to strengthen national, regional, and hemispheric efforts to create the conditions for safe, orderly, humane, and regular migration and to strengthen frameworks for international protection and cooperation.”

Do you get it yet?

This is why the Department of Homeland Security is seeking volunteers to wait on illegals. Yes, the government isn’t even going to pay you. They just want you to help illegals by:

  • Picking up food
  • Picking up trash
  • Sweeping
  • Cleaning refrigerators

How’s the coffee going down this morning?

Back to the “DNA” briefing.

“…collaborating to counter xenophobia and discrimination against migrants and refugees.”

What do you flippin think?

Their flooding America with third world flunkies and they wonder why we’re upset about it?

This is where I’d add something about tar and feathers, but some soul might become offended. I guess it’s better to allow our politicians to sell us down the river, while sucking us dry through taxation and inflation than say something offensive.


Trilateral health cooperation will focus on launching an updated North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza (NAPAPI) to improve prevention, preparedness, agility, and to provide rapid response to health emergencies in North America.

Is this not laughable?

Why the h-e double hockey sticks are they concerned with animals across “our region?”

I thought we were concerned about the pandemic… Yet, no mention that illegals, I mean migrants will be tested and receive checks before illegally, I mean legally entering the United States.

What a disaster.

Regional Security

Mexico, the United States, and Canada will focus on strategies to bolster our shared continental security against domestic, regional, and global threats, including cyber threats.

IE: If you’re Christian, love America, and especially if you’re white, Uncle Sam, the federales, and the mounties are gunning for you!

Don’t worry, they have “respect for human rights and the rule of law.”

Besides, they want,

to disrupt criminal actors and associated crimes across our shared borders, including money laundering, child sexual exploitation, firearms and human trafficking.

If that was the truth, we wouldn’t have record numbers of illegals pouring across our border. In fact, my Senator responded to an email I sent. It’s a pretty interesting response, one that shows the drug cartels are behind our massive influx of illegals. All to help them smuggle more drugs across our border.

But hey, according to this “DNA” agenda they are working to “disrupt drug trafficking.”

Looking forward

The commitments made during this summit are rooted in a shared vision for a more equitable, just, inclusive, resilient, secure, and prosperous North America and a shared responsibility to achieve more equitable outcomes responsive to the needs and aspirations of our citizens.

  • “Our citizens.”
  • “Our region.”

That’s unification, not the individuality of citizens within separate nations.

This globalism business has been in the works for decades, and slowly but surely, it presses forward more and more by the day. The book of Revelation continues to come alive.

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