Archive: Reader Questions

Questions and comments from readers like you.
Also see Bible Questions.


My Conversation With An Agnostic

Today, I’m going to share an email exchange I had with a reader the other day. They turned out to be agnostic, I figured they weren’t Christian from their initial question. You are going to


Can You Explain Revelation 9?

Revelation is filled with symbology. Who is the star, who are the locust, will they kill 1/3 of mankind? We break this chapter down into understandable terms.

Evil Spirits

Can God Tempt Us With Satan’s Angels?

The book of Revelation explains, Satan and his angels will be cast out of Heaven. Since God casts them out, does that mean God is tempting mankind with evil?


Would Jesus Attend A Gay Wedding?

As society becomes more secular, we are often pressed to accept sinful behavior. Does God approve? We open Scripture and look at Christ’s own examples.

Jesus Christ

Would Jesus Call Someone Names?

Did Jesus ever call someone names? Absolutely. He even displayed signs of violence. We discuss and reflect on that ensuring we have real Christian expectations.


What Does NASA Mean In Hebrew?

NASA does not mean to deceive in Hebrew, nor is the word found in Greek. Instead, NASA means “to lift.” I’ll show you the details from the Strong’s Concordance.


Brandon, I Went To A Health Freedom Rally!

Just a few days ago, I woke up to an email from Mr. Antonio G. He’s a long-time reader who has been vocal about standing up against the tyranny we face these days. He wanted