As We Close 2020, Let’s Talk About The Economy

By looking at the stock market, you would think everything is just peachy! The DOW is over 30k, housing is at record highs, and so on.

Then we have the numbers…

The official unemployment rate stands at 6.7%, while the alternative unemployment rate is anywhere from 12-26%. Big difference.

Personally, I think we are in the alternative area. Yesterday we visited a small town only to discover the downtown portion was a ghost town. Businesses were open, but there were no customers.

How long has that been going on?

I do not know, but we see this in various communities.

What does it look like in your community, I would love to hear from you on that.

Federal Reserve

This year, specifically the last few months have really shown me inflation is a major concern at this point. Due to the Federal Reserve propping up the economy, they are buying all sorts of bonds, as no one else will or can. We are talking about bonds like, mortgage bonds that keep new mortgages flowing, treasury bonds, and so on.

Then, due to the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates, this dropped the rate on credit union savings accounts from 1.95% to .25% in less than a year’s time. This has punished savers, as your money will now get eaten by inflation. This has also helped prop up the housing market in another way, through cheaper loans.

Housing Prices

I decided to do some house pricing. Looking at a home in California, I see it appreciated by roughly 6.5% year over year (on average), for about ten years. During the last couple of years, this same home has now increased in value, year over year by about 9%.

Now how many buyers can afford these sort of prices?

Apparently a lot of them. Even with businesses and jobs cutting back, people can keep on buying. Amazing.

There is a lot more going on here than can be seen though. As we explained earlier, we can thank the Federal Reserve for these artificially high prices which are created in part due to low interest rates.

Money Talk

We can also thank our government for continuing to bailout our nation with money that does not exist (fiat currency). That creates inflation. The latest bailout/government spending program just cost $2.3 trillion dollars.

No, your American politicians did not go digging for gold and strike it rich. Those baboons have probably not done much digging in their entire lives.

Instead, they created that money out of thin air. That money creation just diluted the dollar in your pocket which is why we are seeing prices continue to skyrocket, it is another reason why the stock market is at new record highs when the global economy is on the brink.

Yet another reason, the government stepped in and prevented evictions for renters and foreclosures for mortgage holders. This is also propping up the housing market, but it cannot last forever.

Renters will have to pay, building owners have their own bills to pay. Then for renters who rent a home, the owner most likely still has a mortgage on the home, and if they do not have income from the property, they will be unable to pay that mortgage.

So how much longer can this shell game go on?

Faith In Politicians

I suppose as long as Americans have faith in their crooked politicians.

You know, the ones who said they would not sign the recent COVID-19 Relief Bill, only to sign it days later. The same one who said the government should give the people $2,000 checks. The same one who increased the U.S. deficit by $9 trillion in four years time.

I am not talking about socialists like Barack Obama, I am talking about the Republican named Donald Trump, but hey, keep waving those flags folks.

The saddest part to me, if we had a Democrat President right now, all the Republicans would be calling for his head. They would say how stupid and how socialist his policies are. Yet, we allow ourselves to be divided and blinded by politicians who belong to certain parties.

Folks, don’t you find that odd?


This all sets us up for 2021. The thinkers on TV, and the internet all told you COVID-19 was about the elections, and when the elections were over, so would the COVID-19 scam.

Yet, that is not the case is it?

No, it’s not.

You know why?

This is a global agenda as we have said all year long. This is about globalism, and destroying our country. You can accomplish that by dividing the people. Look what has happened in our nation this year. Combine it all together; financial, political, civil, it has been a massive mess.

Not just here at home, but all over the globe.

2021 is not looking any brighter, not by a long shot. It does not matter who the President will be. We are already in a mess, and the mess will become worse as the days wear on.

With the evidence so clear cut, yet this massive agenda continues to move forward, what else can we be left to believe…

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