As You Walk Through Life, Stay Rooted In Jesus

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Colossians 2:6-7

These verses provide a critical reminder for us…

A reminder that we made a decision to accept Jesus Christ. That decision means, we believe He is the Son of God, and since we believe in Him, we will obtain everlasting life.

So that’s the very basis, right?

However, look what the verses add here…

We’re told to “walk ye in Him.”

That means, we are to walk after the ways of Jesus Christ. We are to imitate Him in life, everyday. We are to become “rooted,” which means “stable” in Jesus Christ. We are to become “built up,” which means to set our spiritual foundation upon Jesus Christ.

So first we go by faith, then we go by works.

It’s a crucial lesson considering the world we live in. Long ago, society lost self decency, society lost morality and everything that goes along with it. Society has become a spiritual cesspool.

Whether you realize it or not, that has an impact on you and me. When you go out into the world and see rudeness and a lack of compassion for others, it can rub off on you. The spiritual standard drops. So it becomes harder to “walk ye in Him,” when you see a world not showing care or concern for others.

If you’re not careful, you’ll begin to display traits of the world. Perhaps you’ll stop caring about others just a bit, then a bit more, and a bit more, until you begin to creep into the spiritual cesspool yourself. Sometimes, you don’t even notice the transition, until someone grabs your attention…

Like this article.

As Christians, we’re certainly not sweet little Angels all the time, but we should try to be. We should try to spread Jesus Christ throughout the world. When many hear that, they think they’re exempt since there not a “pastor.”

Sorry, there’s no exemptions on this one.


Look, people are always watching you, whether you realize it or not. People are watching you. People know you’re a Christian, so set a good example and show them how a Christian acts. Christians are positive people, we smile, we greet others, and we try our hardest in life.

People take notice of that.

Since they know you’re Christian, they’ll know that your faith is behind all of your accomplishments, and they’ll want some of that. That’s how you can help spread Jesus in the world. So don’t ever lose sight of that one, it’s critically important to remember.

Last, but certainly not least…

Stay “stablished in the faith.” Continually build yourself up in Christ. You don’t need to read the Bible 24×7 to accomplish that, you just need to apply what you’ve read in the Book to your life. Live according to the Book my friends, and obtain those spiritual blessings from above.

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