AstraZeneca Lied About COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

COVID-19 vaccine maker Astrazeneca lied about the effectiveness of their vaccine. This was done in order to paint the vaccine in a better light before approval on the U.S. market. This comes as no surprise.

It is imperative that you understand, vaccine manufactures are exempt from liability. If you get injured due to a vaccine, that is your fault, says the U.S. government.

According to Chron,

Experts who have been overseeing the vaccine trial expressed concern and disappointment that the drugmaker had presented “outdated and potentially misleading” data on its coronavirus vaccine, making the shots appear more effective than shown by fuller data.

If they lie about the data, what else are they willing to lie about?

Millions of people, the world over are putting their faith in these vaccines to help them. This is sick and disgusting and only goes to show why so many people are forgoing the jab. Just follow the money, it’s always about the money.

“I was sort of stunned,” Fauci said. “The data and safety monitoring board were concerned that the data that went into the press release by AZ was not the most accurate and up-to-date data. That is what the DSMB communicated to AZ in a rather harsh note. Having seen that letter we could not just let it go unanswered.”


Even the con-man in chief is stunned.

Follow those two links for all the details.

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