Germany: ‘We Are In A New Pandemic’ As Europe Revolts

UPDATE: Merkel back paddles on lock down due to protests!

The propaganda never ends it seems. The “British” coronavirus variant is now the “dominate” strain in Germany “they“ say. Who is they? When I find out, I will let you know. In the meantime, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said, we are “in a new pandemic”.

“Essentially, we have a new virus…it is much deadlier, much more infectious and infectious for much longer,” the veteran chancellor said at a press conference in Berlin.


Fear, doom, and dread all mixed into one sentence. I love it, I love it, I want some more of it.

I hope it is painfully obvious to everyone at this point. The coronavirus is not going to magically disappear. It’s going to stay around, it will change, it will mutate, and so on. So that means we need to get on with life. We can only do that by being vocal about these things.

Now when we first started hearing reports of mutation and strain variations. The experts said the vaccine will not be as effective.

Now, the new experts are spinning the verbiage.

“Getting vaccines that will tackle the variants that are currently circulating is an eminently solvable problem,” says Paul Bieniasz, a virologist at Rockefeller University in New York City, whose laboratory is studying variants. “It might be that we already have that solution.”


So we already have a solution to virus mutation, yet each and every year we need a new flu vaccine?

Got it.

So the news will change to the whims of our elected officials. The news and agendas will evolve in the direction that leads to less freedom and more centralized and global control over our world.

That is, until the crowd becomes unruly…

As it turns out, the world’s citizens are continuing to revolt against their governments due to COVID-19 lockdowns. In fact, as lockdowns return to Europe for the third time, the serfs are becoming a bit feisty.

Switzerland: Thousands Demonstrate Against Covid-19 Restrictions

Nearly 8,000 took part in the silent protest, according to journalists’ estimates. They had received police permission to gather, but many did not wear masks, flouting government rules. Many wore white suits.

Swiss Info

You silly Americans, the Swiss did not wear white suits because they are racist. They wore them to display their mood due to COVID lockdowns, as if they are zombies. As if they must be protected along every step of their path through life against any potential danger.

Some held up signs reading “Enough is enough”, “Vaccines kill” and “Let love be your guide, not fear”.

The Swiss were not alone.

Protesters Across Europe Clash With Police Over COVID-19 Lockdowns

German police used water cannons, pepper spray and clubs on protesters rallying over the coronavirus lockdown in the town of Kassel in central Germany where demonstrators numbered some 20,000. Protests against government measures to rein in the pandemic were also reported in Austria, Britain, Finland, Romania and Switzerland.


It is worth noting, Germany has only vaccinated 8.5% of the population. This is due to extreme skepticism over the COVID-19 vaccination, and the general idea of being forced to inject something into your body because the government said so.

Scuffles And Arrests As Anti-Lockdown Protesters March Through London

Police said they had made 33 arrests, most for COVID regulation breaches, after up to 10,000 people gathered holding banners with slogans such as “Stop Destroying Our Kids’ Lives” and “Fake Pandemic”. Crowded close to one another, protesters also set off flares.


It is good to see people making a stand against overbearing governments. If only more American’s were doing this as well. Instead, we have TV to watch, and social media to consume ourselves with! Woohoo!

For the record, and considering the quote above. When people say “fake pandemic”, they do not mean the coronavirus does not exist. They mean, it has been exaggerated. When a virus manages to kill just .02% of those infected, it’s not that bad people.

One more important detail worth mentioning.

What Do You Think Of The Vaccine Passport?

According to a recent poll, the French were asked how they feel about a vaccine passport.

Here is more information on that.

From February 17 to March 7, 2021, we invited you to give your opinion, in response to the following question: What do you think of the vaccine passport , in the context of use in France, in particular to access places that are now closed (restaurants, cinemas, stadiums, museums …)?

Among the 110,507 participants in the consultation: 

  • 67.1% say they are very unfavorable;
  • 20.2% say they are very favorable;
  • 5.6% say they are unfavorable;
  • 5.1% say they are in favor;
  • 2% say they are mixed.

That’s right, 67% of the French population does not like the idea of a vaccine passports.

Despite what the mainstream media may tell you. By and large, most people do not want more freedoms removed. The longer this current crisis goes on without major death numbers, the more it reveals itself for the farce it really is.

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