Amazon To Let Whole Foods Shoppers Pay With A Swipe Of Their Palm

Yesterday, Amazon rolled out new tech that allows shoppers to pay for their purchase with their palm. Creepy. This is being rolled out at their Seattle store and will later be set up at seven other locations. Inc said it is rolling out biometric technology at its Whole Foods stores around Seattle starting on Wednesday, letting shoppers pay for items with a scan of their palm.

The system, called Amazon One, lets customers associate a credit card with their palm print. It offers a contact-less alternative to cash and card payments, Amazon said.


So you setup a credit card on file and assign your palm print to it to pay.



I love technology, but why?

What purpose does it serve, how do you benefit?

Technology is not meant to entrap you or enslave you. It’s meant to enhance your life somehow, make things easier, and so on. However, these days we see technology becoming very invasive for no real benefit. I mean honestly, you can already pay with a swipe of your phone or a tap of your credit card if you like “convenience”.

How does paying with your palm help?

We Have Been Conditioned

Slowly, but surely over time, society has been conditioned to accept these things. I remember when the fingerprint unlock your phone feature came out. I didn’t care then, and I didn’t care when FaceID came out either.

It takes me 1 second to type in my password. I really am not that short on life that I am concerned about 1 second. It’s not an inconvenience either. I don’t even think about it.

Nope, not paranoid. I just don’t see the purpose, other than to provide someone with more data about myself. Says the guy who puts all his thoughts online and splats his face in his videos. So no, we’re not paranoid over here. We just believe technology is supposed to benefit the person.

If there is no real benefit, then we are not interested. We don’t do trends.

Amazon’s palm pay is not benefitting anyone, but it does condition the mind to accept these forms of identification tracking. This concept ties into the COVID passports we keep hearing about. In Europe, they said COVID passports will be ready by summer.

Most people will go along with it because the government said so. Hey, if you believe the hype, then get the vaccine and leave everyone else alone.

Why on earth would I care if you get the vaccine?

I think everyone should inform themselves about their healthcare choices, but hey, if you want it. Get it, but leave me and mine alone. When things become forced on us, it only limits freedom and our choices.

Goodbye Paper Cash

Today, we see a race to get rid of paper cash so we can be trapped into a system of strictly digital cash. China just/is launched its own digital currency and they are even considering putting “expiration dates” on it. Imagine that!

They could give everyone bailout money whenever the economy tanks and force people to spend it. Or just force you to spend so much of your money. That’s not “convenience”, that’s enslavement.

Yet, things like fingerprint, face, and now palm technology is leading us down that road. We are going to get there, it is inevitable at this point, and apart of the globalized world we are inheriting.

I must include one more thought.

No, Amazon’s palm pay and other forms of digital anything are not the Mark of the Beast. There can be no mark until you have the beast. Read the Bible before listening to what men have to tell you, (Revelation 13:16-17).

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