Biden Memorandum To Advance LGBTQI Rights Globally

Biden and friends have now launched a new initiative to support and bolster U.S. support (via your tax dollars) for homosexuality around the globe. This comes in the form of a Presidential memorandum, another form of executive action just like those executive orders we love so much.

The goal of the memorandum is “to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons around the world.”

What exactly does that have to do with United States citizens?

Nothing, just like the wars we have witnessed for generations now.

This is not about making America better, this is about destroying America and promoting that which is not Godly. It is about a radical crusade to support globalization.

Never mind that fact.

The memorandum continues stating, 

“All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love. Around the globe, including here at home, brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) activists are fighting for equal protection under the law, freedom from violence, and recognition of their fundamental human rights.”


For the record, I could not care less if someone wants to be an LGBTQI+XYZ. That is their business, but you keep that business to yourself. I do not need to know you are gay, just as you do not need to know I am straight.

Hey, I just want to go enjoy life and not be concerned about someone else’s confused sexual preference. Nor do I want to be forced to accept that ideology.

Back to the abomination at hand… Through this executive action, Biden wants to build coalitions of “like-minded nations” and engage “international organizations in the fight against LGBTQI+ discrimination.”

Biden’s memorandum adds, 

The United States belongs at the forefront of this struggle – speaking out and standing strong for our most dearly held values. It shall be the policy of the United States to pursue an end to violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics, and to lead by the power of our example in the cause of advancing the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons around the world.”

“It shall be”.

What a perfect phrase for this memorandum which is nothing more than a decree. All of the wording here is infused into this new decree in order to make it seem like our nation must act to help the afflicted.

None of this is about protecting or giving homosexuals rights. This is about criminalizing Christianity as God’s Word says homosexuality is an abomination to Him.

We are “one nation under God”. That means you and this nation are to live and lead our lives as servants of our Heavenly Father. That is the Christian way which they are trying to destroy.

Side Note

By the way, have you noticed the right and alt-right media are complaining about Biden’s Executive Orders, and now, Memorandum’s? Yet, these same creatures were nowhere to be found when Republican President Trump was doing the same thing. Instead, the squawkers were the Democrats in those days.

So do you see how this game goes?

Diversion, distraction, confusion and you get stuck in the middle playing political football. That is not the way of a Christian, that is the way of a pawn who is caught in the middle. God’s People are not pawns.

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