Biden Orders Threat Assessment On Domestic Terrorism

That is not a surprise. Before Biden was inaugurated, he called those who stormed the U.S. Capitol Domestic Terrorists. Biden went on to say he will put together “plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism.”

How quickly we forget about all the riots from last summer, (and those in Tacoma, WA right now). Not only was property damaged, but there were also numerous reports of rapes, murders, and so on. If the U.S. Capitol incident was domestic terrorism, then so were the riots of summer.

Biden’s Domestic Terrorism Agenda

Just days ago, White House Press Secretary Psaki’s stated,

I also have some news to share on the President’s response to domestic violent extremism. The January 6th assault on the Capitol and the tragic deaths and destruction that occurred underscored what we have long known: The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat

White House

Here is a video of the statement and more details.

When you hear the term, Domestic Terrorism. That typically means the white, Christian, straight, conservative. I mean they have been telling us for years whitey is in his wooded cabin waiting to strike. Basically the same line they feed us about Iran.

Hey, in order to formulate an agenda, you have to create a boogieman. So the white, Christian, straight, conservative has become that boogieman. Of course, their is no such boogieman, if there was, he would have lashed out last year due to the Federal Government leading the way to the COVID-19 lockdowns.

This is nothing new though…

The MIAC Report?

Remember the MIAC Report from 2009?

That is the document formulated by the Missouri Highway Patrol in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security. It explained, certain religious and political beliefs may deem you an enemy of the state; ie: a Domestic Terrorist. In case you feel left out, regardless of your race, you are probably considered a domestic terrorist if you are reading this.

Ah, don’t you feel better now?

Download the MIAC Report and give it a read. I also put together some excerpts from the MIAC Report which you can scroll through below.

Questioning The Government’s Agenda

Now, do you think any of that qualifies someone to be labeled as a domestic terrorist?

  • Someone who supported Ron Paul for President.
  • Someone who believes in a New World Order Agenda which the Bible discusses.
  • Someone who believes there is more to the story of Adam and Eve.
  • Someone against illegal immigration.
  • Someone who believes the Federal Reserve should be abolished.

The fact of the matter my friends, anyone who supports Jesus Christ and what the Bible states will be considered an enemy of the state in the future.

I honestly feel, if the Lord does not return soon, there will not be an opportunity to share much truth with the world. Yet, we know that is exactly what we are supposed to do, and then the end shall come, (Matthew 24:14)

The Federal Government is concerned with domestic terrorism as they are concerned the citizens will grow weary of their radical policies and revolt against them. This is a problem as it would also derail the coming one world order. No wonder the government (including the military wing) has been monitoring our calls (without warrants) for so many years.

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