COVID-21… The Never-Ending Saga

At this point, it seems like COVID will be around as long as we continue to allow governments to bully us into submission. During this whole saga, we have continually been strung along.

We were promised last spring, by summer, things might get back to normal. Instead, mask mandates came into effect in many places. We were then promised we could get back to normal with a vaccine.

That has not, and will not happen either. It will only lead to more loss of rights for the people. Many are now being forced by their employer to take the vaccine or lose their jobs. That is not freedom and that is not America.

The only thing that occuring, is we are being pushed back, over and over again which means we are losing more rights. Many thought after the elections COVID would vanish, we continually explained that was not going to happen. Few listened.

This is a manufactured global event, not a U.S. only event.

Now we continually hear about new COVID “variants” that are more dangerous than the original strain. All of these things clearly document a coordinated event to keep the people in a state of fear.

In fact,

New data showing that two COVID-19 vaccines are far less effective in South Africa than in other places they were tested have heightened fears that the coronavirus is quickly finding ways to elude the world’s most powerful tools to contain it.


So there you have it, now the vaccines are not going to work, or be as effective. Vaccines that were showing 90% effectiveness are now only ~50% effective against the new COVID variant.

So this will keep the people in a perpetual state of fear, which means the government will continue to exert more control over us. All due to the pandemic.

Due to this fear,

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a sweeping order late Friday requiring the use of face masks on nearly all forms of public transportation Monday as the country continues to report thousands of daily COVID-19 deaths.


The masking of our world keeps the lie alive. When we see someone with a mask, it makes us think COVID is as advertised, and keeps society in a state of fear.

How about a dose of reality?

Remember our article, CDC Reveals Only 9,683 Americans Have Died From COVID-19 Alone!? Using CDC documents, we explained only 6% of all COVID labeled deaths were actually due to COVID alone.

For the remaining 94% of all COVID deaths, the patients actually died with 2.6 other illnesses. Yet, all those deaths are attributed to COVID-19 anyway.

This morning, I jumped over to the CDC to see if they have updated those numbers, and they did…

That 94% number still exists, however, instead of those patients dying from COVID and 2.6 other illnesses, they have now died from 2.9 other illnesses, (see: Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics).

Yet, they still chalk these deaths up to COVID, a gross manipulation of the numbers.

We also know, the CDC has permitted deaths to be labeled as COVID if it is “suspected or likely”. Now with just this information available to you, is it logical, accurate, and sound science to label 94% of all deaths as COVID when the patients died with 2.9 other illnesses?!

But there is more…

It appears, around the world, the seasonal flu has all but vanished!

In fact, for the week of January 23rd there have only been 65 cases of seasonal flu in the entire United States. Compare that to last year at this same time and there were 14,657 cases of seasonal flu.

Is it possible these seasonal flu cases have been recategorized as COVID?

Absolutely, and a Johns Hopkins doctor concluded as much with the CDC’s own data.

Nevertheless, the COVID lie continues, and now we are being told two masks are better than one. What an absolute embarrassment, what an insult to our intelligence.

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