Biden: ‘Patriotic Responsibility’ For Two Vaccinated People To Wear Masks While Talking Indoors

I love this guy! I mean whenever I need a good laugh, ol Biden is right there to help me out. In an interview, President Biden was asked if he would stop wearing a mask while outside since he is fully vaccinated.

Biden explained,

Sure, I mean, but what I’m going to do though because the likelihood of my being able to be outside and people not come up to me is not very high so it’s like look, you and I took our masks off when I came in. Because look at the distance we are.

Daily Caller

If you visit the link, you can watch a short video of the interview. The two are situated far apart which I find humorous since they are both vaccinated which means, “they are protected”. At least, that’s why we are told to get the vaccine right?

Biden continues,

But if we were, in fact, sitting there talking to one another close, I’d have my mask on and I’d like you to have a mask even though we’ve both been vaccinated. And so, it’s a small precaution to take that has a profound impact.

So Biden plays into more false information.

No one is surprised.

The medical establishment has changed its mind on this whole issue so many times it makes one’s head spin. In fact, MIT recently came out with a report challenging the entire social distancing norm.

The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 indoors can be as great at 60 feet as it is at 6 feet in a room where the air is mixed — even when wearing a mask, according to a new study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers who challenge social distancing guidelines adopted across the world.

Nevertheless, Biden is so convinced wearing a mask is required and will keep you safe he went on to say,

It’s a patriotic responsibility for God’s sake. It’s making sure that your wife, your children if in fact they haven’t been vaccinated, making sure that they’re not going to get sick.

Our patriotic responsibility, oh that’s a good one right there.

I wonder what laugh Biden will provide tomorrow… I can hardly wait.

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