Biden: “Terrorism From White Supremacy Is The Most Lethal Threat To The Homeland”

President Joe Biden is a cancer to America. That’s probably not even a good enough analogy to describe the destruction his Presidency is having on our nation.

At the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, an event we are told that led to Black deaths at the hand of the White man. 100 years ago, Biden sought occasion to divide our nation some more. Speaking to a crowd there to remember the event, Biden said,

Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today. Not ISIS. Not Al Qaeda. White supremacists.

That is an absolute lie!

The government always tells you who the enemy is to foster hatred, right before they take action against their newly minted enemy. The United States did that with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the list goes on. It is absolutely disgusting a President of America would promote, foster, and deliver such lies.

Since Biden entered office, he has continually indicated the White man is the enemy of the United States. Here are two past articles to refresh your memory.

Telling America White is the enemy is ironic since the nations roots are European. It’s idiotic when you consider the majority are White as well. Even more foolish when you consider we as a nation are not revolting over such disgusting behavior.

To continue the mantra, our children are taught “Critical Race Theory” and the “1619 Project”. This ties right into all the Confederate Monuments and other historical markers that have been removed in our nation over the last ten years.

These are absolutely racists ideologies that teach White people they are bad. Folks, slavery was not a good thing, but it was a long time ago. I didn’t have anything to do with it, and neither did you.

The aforementioned have not occurred in silos, they are part of one master plan to remake America into a radical leftist global utopia, and America, you are doing a good job and helping it along by sitting idle.

All this has set up our nation to give reparations to Black Americans which is dead wrong. I am quite sure our Black audience would agree with that. God’s Word says a man works for his living or he gets no plate come dinner time, (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Yet, Biden and friends want to give away the farm to people who didn’t earn it while fostering hate.

Listen to this part of Biden’s speech which also contains the former quote.

Today, we are announcing two expanded efforts targeted toward black wealth creation that will also help the entire community. The first is my administration has launched an aggressive effort to combat racial discrimination in housing. That includes everything from redlining to the cruel fact that a home owned by a black family is too often a pro study — often appraised at a lower value than a similar home owned by a white family.

Skip to the 00:26:37 minute marker.


The White Joe Biden plans to give things to people of another race. He is following the liberal agenda that California is already working on. An agenda that seeks to reduce the price of homes for Blacks by 45%, while the state actually owns half of the house. In the end, you watch, it will be a new way of taxation when these homes are foreclosed on.

Let me tell you something.

If you have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the hood. Of course, its value is going to be lower than a similar house in the suburbs. I have lived it my friends. I have lived in Black and White communities, poor and middle class. I know what it’s like.

Joe Biden, he’s always been flush with cash, and Biden has been in government longer than most of you have been alive.

All radicals like Joe Biden are doing is destroying our history, telling Whites they are evil, which gives rise to racists like these fine gentlemen.

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