Company Logos Go Rainbow On Social Media, Except In The Middle East

Wise observers have noticed, several corporations changed their logo on social media to rainbow colors for the month of June, now known as “pride month”.

However, these same companies who are promoting sin, did not change their logos for their branch accounts in the Middle East and Asia where homosexuality is not accepted.

This confirms what we have said for a very long time.

These companies do not care about homosexuals. They care about profits.

Today, the mainstream media tells us we should accept homosexuality, so corporations push these seemingly popular beliefs. If these companies really cared about the homosexual cause, they would have changed their logos in the Middle East and Asia as well.

However, homosexuality is not accepted in those nations, and these companies do not want to tarnish their global reputation.

Christians, A Moment Of Reflection

Christians, I want you to think about all of this.

Here we have companies shamelessly promoting homosexuality that is against the God of the Bible. As Christians, we believe He is the One and only True God. We declare our faith and are proud of it.

Yet, we have Asian nations that predominantly believe in Buddha, and Middle Eastern nations that adhere to Islam. By definition, these are “heathen” nations that believe in false gods. Yet, they stand true to their gods, false or not.

However, for the Christian who believes in the One True God. They will not adhere to their God. Instead, they bend and conform to the world because some man told them it’s the right thing to do. Instead of making a stand against some mortal man, they defy God by embracing sin.

My Christian friends, don’t tell me you do not embrace sin.

After all, if we take deep long look in the mirror. How many of us continually support companies who push the homosexual agenda?

We make excuses for it, but excuses they are, and worthless excuses is all they will ever be.

So I have two questions for you…

  • Is it really too much work to stop purchasing the products and services of these companies?
  • Is it really too much to ask that you adhere to the faith you proclaim?

One more question.

If “heathen” people can stand by their false gods, why can you not stand by the One True God?

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