Brandon, I Disagree With Your Stance On Israel

Name: Gayle Gorrell
Question: Please explain Zechariah 12 to me. All of Zechariah 12 and especially 12:7-9. I have contacted you before, because of your stance against Israel, which I still disagree with. You remind me of Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens and they refuse to condemn the protesters who want to kill Christians, not just the Jews.

Answer: Gayle,

Good morning.

I could be mistaken, but I don’t think you actually want me to explain those verses to you. You just see “Judah” and think “Jews,” and that this verse applies to Israelis.

Look, I’ve explained many times now, the Jews are not of Biblical descent, Scripture, history, and even science shed light on that. I discuss that in the following link, with respect to Ashkenazi Jews which are predominant.

Now, considering what you said, I’m a bit curious why you have not taken the time to disprove all the Scriptures I’ve cited on this matter…

I’m talking about the whole, “bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” thing that God told Abraham, before there was ever a “Jew,” (Genesis 12:3).

You do know that?

You do realize, God didn’t say that to Jews?

There were no Jews then.

God said that to Abraham, and he was a Hebrew.

God’s statement to Abraham had nothing to do with Talmudic Jews, who didn’t exist in those days.

I’m also curious, as a Christian, why are you disregarding what the New Testament says about those who accept Jesus, (Galatians 3:27-29)?

I mean, just those three Scriptures alone tell us, you cannot become one of God’s children unless you accept His Son. That’s Christianity 101. So why are you placing people of another religion above Christians?

I honestly don’t get it.

Do you really believe that God is racist?

When you say, the Jews are God’s chosen people, you’re placing race above Christ. Jesus came to die on the cross for the sins of blacks, whites, browns, and reds. He didn’t come to die for “Jews.” He came to die for everyone, so everyone could be saved.

So where did this “Jews are God’s chosen people” business come from?


Don’t get mad, don’t get upset, just answer the question.

Look, I don’t have anything against anyone of any race. However, I do have an issue with Christians attributing Biblical prophecy to a nation that is not Christian, to a people who are not even “Israelites.” They only have the name, it’s just a name, and the same land.

Yet, the religion of the Jews — Judaism — despises Christians, and they claim, Jesus is boiling in hot poop. Don’t shake your head, look it up. I did the homework for you, I spent months, days, and hours compiling the information for you.

Read about the Talmud.

I cite Jewish beliefs right from their holy book — the Talmud — which you can verify with the provided links to their holy book.

If I’m wrong, here’s your chance to prove me wrong.

So my question to you…

Why are you supporting these people who despise you and our Savior Jesus Christ?

I really don’t get that…

Why should Christians and Americans support a heathen people, which they are, when their nation has done absolutely nothing for America?

Moreover, as I’ve said before, If The Jews Are God’s Chosen People, What Are You Worried About?

I mean, if you’re right, then God will take care of them, and everything will be just fine, right?

So why sweat it?

What are you going to change by sweating it?


Instead, you and I are just spectators, we can change nothing. Besides, there’s nothing, I mean nothing in Scripture that indicates God still has a chosen race of people. That’s Old Testament stuff, that changed with Christ, who accepts whosoever will, (John 3:17, Revelation 22:17).

I respectfully ask, how can you not see that?

For all my readers who believe God chose the Talmudic Jews to be His chosen people…

This is your big chance…

You can prove me wrong by citing all the verses in the New Testament that state, God chose a people based on their race. Go on, please, show me in the New Testament where God places a non-Christian people above everyone else… Show me where those who reject Jesus Christ are God’s People.

Folks, you’re not going to find it.

It doesn’t exist.

Look, we’re all adults, and we’ve been fibbed to about this “Jews chosen” stuff. It’s just not Biblical, and you know what, it’s okay to admit, “I was had.” However, it’s not okay to keep the lie alive by not challenging yourself to read Scripture, and to prove me wrong on this one.

The reality is, many of our pastors and denominational churches conjured this stuff up decades ago, and Christians bought it. That doesn’t make it true.

Lastly, I do not support the protestors you’re referring to, and I really haven’t talked about them much. However, I do find it amusing that the media is outraged about the protests. Yet, when those — no doubt — same people were tearing down monuments and rioting in the streets back in 2020, the media never said a word. They only speak when it goes against the narrative.

Now, if that doesn’t tell you who the media is with, then nothing will.

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