California Issues Mandatory Requirements For All Gatherings, You Won’t Believe This

Just two weeks ago, California issued COVID dining tips that “require” you to put your mask back on in-between bites. Now California has issued “mandatory requirements for all gatherings”. This was obviously created for the upcoming holiday season.

California Gathering Guidelines

Just so we are clear, the information we are going to share comes right from the California Department of Public Health. They state, these guidelines apply,

To private gatherings, and all other gatherings not covered by existing sector guidance are prohibited. Gatherings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place.

California: Guidance for Private Gatherings

So the state is telling you what you can and cannot do in your own home.

In the next paragraph from that document they state,

All persons planning to host or participate in a private gathering, as defined above, must comply with the following requirements.

Here we go…

Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.

So three households cannot come together, for any gathering, muchless Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don’t forget, the host counts and of course they throw in their brainwashing stunt about being safe.

The California Communists also remind us to be a good Commie,

The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.

Now what about gathering logistics…

Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, its going to be cold outside, how do we manage it all?

The state has the answer…

Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.

That’s right, you are literally left out in the cold if you listen to the Communist Republic of California. The state was nice enough to grant us permission to use our own restrooms instead of the bushes.

Count your blessings folks.

For the record, none of these “guidelines” are law. They are decrees and are not enforceable. That does not mean the state will not try to enforce them.

Take Action

In all seriousness, this official California document goes on and on, but I cannot stomach to cover another line.

Folks, this has gone too far. The Governor of California and his supporting entities need to be removed from office. We have legal ways of doing that of course. They are a clear and present danger to the people of California.

These are not normal people, they are not even rational people, they do not think rationally. I would encourage Californians to work with local groups, good lawyers, and so on, in an effort to recall and remove this threat to the people of California.

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