California Judge Blocks Governor Newsom’s Powers During COVID-19

Alright, we have some good news out of California. A Sutter County Superior Court Judge ruled that Governor Newsom’s executive orders have overstepped his power and violated state law.

This is good news, great to see judges and lawyers finally standing up for the people here. The judge’s ruling prevents Newsom,

“From exercising any power under the California Emergency Services Act which amends, alters, or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy.”


While this is encouraging, I have a feeling this judge will be rolled over just like what is happening in Michigan, and their Supreme Court has even ruled against Governor Whitmer.

Time will tell.

The Governor Has Made Decrees, Not Laws

Regardless, the people of California should rally around this and remember, the Govenor is only making DECREES, they are not laws. Yet I continually hear people call them laws. No laws have been made concerning COVID anywhere in our 50 State Union, only decrees.

We The People do not adhere to decrees that break the laws of our land. Complying with decrees simply makes you a part of the problem.

If you have a hard time right now making a little stand, brothers, and sisters, how will you stand during the Tribulation?

I am not talking about you at work. I am talking about you in your decisions in your daily life. The more people who continue to wear masks, the more real it makes the problem feel. This is a psychological war that is being waged against you.

Can you really not see that?

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