Canada Goes For The Guns, Biden Considers

The socialist government of Canada is now going for the guns.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced,

“We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership”.

It’s not a freeze, it’s an outright ban. This comes on the heels of the government forceable removing the rights of Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trudeau continues,

“What this means is it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada. In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns.”

It should be no secret, the liberal government of Canada is making the move in light of the recent Uvalde shooting in Texas that gained national attention. Ironically enough, no one seems to notice the daily shootings that take place in Chicago.

Do you know why?

Of course you do, it’s not politically convenient.

Trudeau doesn’t just hope to ban handguns, he seeks to limit a rifles magazine capacity to just five rounds.

“And we will require the permanent altercation of long-gun magazines so they can never hold more than five rounds.”

Here’s the video of his disturbing speech.

By the way, am I the only one dismayed, ashamed, and embarrassed that they are still wearing masks? I mean seriously people. On an unrelated note, I read an article from California about reparations, and nearly everyone had a mask on there as well.

This just goes to show you, we, Americans, Canadians, and other nations have given the radical liberals far too much power. We compromised long ago, and radicals seized that weakness and have pushed us out of power to a large degree.

It’s high time we change that.

According to articles I have read, this new gun ban is expected to become law later this year.

We should be reminded, both Brits and Aussies warned us long ago, never give up your firearms. This should truly ring with us today considering the COVID-19 lockdowns so many of us endured for so long.

In the United States, Biden is no doubt eyeing the Canadian Dictators move…

Biden On Gun Control

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierr read from the script to tell us,

“It is heart-wrenching what we’re experiencing. This is an epidemic, the gun violence that we’re seeing across the country, and we have to do something, and we have to continue to make efforts to act to protect our kids, to protect people going to the grocery store”.

  • Epidemic?
  • We have to do something?
  • Protect our kids?

Where has this gal been?

They don’t mind children mutilating their body in order to conform to the transgender illness.

Look, gun violence is only an issue when there is an agenda to be hatched. Case in point, a new shooting in Tulsa Oklahoma is already making national news. Yet, not a word about the 9 who were killed and 50 shot in Chicago.

The issue is not guns.

We explained that in clear detail here, Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening?

The issue is mentally ill people who have been accepted into society. Mental illness used to be treated, now excuses are made for it. These people need help, that would be a truly thoughtful way to look at these crises.

Moreover, we could use a lot more God instead of kicking Him to the curb.

At each point, when God has been removed from our nation, we experience more violence and perversion. Suddenly, everyone is shocked by the problems we face today.

It’s not shocking if you turn off the television and go back to our Christian roots.

Look at this next quote from Jean-Pierr,

“Look, the president has done everything that he can from the federal government. We are looking at other executive actions that we can possibly do. This president has done more executive actions at this point than any other president, but it’s not up to him alone.”

Liberals think that’s a good thing.

It’s a horrible thing. It means we as a society are being taught it’s okay for the President to act like a dictator.

Here’s the rest of her script reading.

Biden: 2nd Amendment Was Never Absolute

Here’s the latest from your President.

“…And remember, the constitution, the second amendment was never absolute.”


The Second Amendment was never absolute?

What is this guy talking about?

Interestingly enough, Biden admits, “I can’t dictate this stuff”.

So do you see how warped our world has become?

We have allowed monsters like Trudeau and Biden to reign over us. We have allowed society to gut God from our life and what has replaced it?

Certainly not a better world.

Just in case we have some anti-gun nut in the audiance, you want to remember people have a right to bear arms. It’s a God given right. In fact, when the band of bandits came to arrest Jesus Christ, Peter drew his weapon, a sword and sliced off the ear of the enemy.

John 18:10
Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.

Swords were the weapons of the day and Jesus had no problem with Peter having one. Moreover, Peter was well trained with his sword to have been able to slice off an ear without severing the man’s head.


Our Founding Fathers knew the only way the people could protect themselves was to be armed. This wasn’t just for bandits, this was primarily to ensure the government stays in check. The last two years have taught us, men love power and wealth, it’s tied to Satan’s sin.

If we compromise one more time, and allow our firearm rights to be removed or restricted. We just may not have an opportunity to compromise again.

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