It’s Pride Month And The Headlines Are Disturbing

It’s “pride” month as they call it.

The time of year when secular society, the mainstream media, and mega corps honor the sin of homosexuality. You are going to see that six-colored rainbow flag everywhere. You will find homosexuality stuffed in your face whether you like it or not.

The headlines will abound this month with homosexualities. Think not that these are new developments, they transpire every single day, they just get more publicity this month.

Now, how about we cover some of these fruity headlines?

70 United Methodist Churches Split Over LGBTQ Issues

Here’s the deal.

Seventy churches in Georgia split from the United Methodist Church (UMC) last week largely over LGBTQ issues, marking the latest in a growing divide within the third-largest Protestant denomination in the United States.”

Fox News

The United Methodist Church has been a disaster for a number of years. Then again, so have other denominations. Nevertheless, 70 Methodist churches are essentially seceding from the denomination and will become independent.

All due to the Methodist’s acceptance of the LGBT ideology.

Isn’t that something?

They left their first love and went chasing after the world. They remind me of the church of Ephesus, (Revelation 2:4). Boy, you do not want to sell out to this world which means you forfeit your place in paradise. What a foolish thing to do.

Do we know more than God?

God said homosexuality is a sin in the Old and New Testament. There is no excuse to accept this filth into the church. Good for these 70 churches for fleeing the abomination.

Tell you what…

I read a comment or two on that Fox article and found this.

Anyone who believes in god is mentally defective or ill. There’s no factual basis for god, and not one single scrap of evidence or proof that god exists.”

Ironically enough, that’s how we feel about them.

So there are only three solutions to this problem.

  1. We have a bloody civil war.
  2. People move to the state of their ideology.
  3. Jesus returns.

Fun huh?

By the way, someone should tell that guy about Intelligent Design. All life has something called DNA which science says is, “genetic code”.

Who made the code Bubba?


Down in Texas, the Methodists there are riled up as well.

When Oak Lawn United Methodist Church couldn’t get the official okay dokie to appoint two LGBTQ people as pastors. They decided to do it themselves. That’s right, if the church organization that you operate under will not do it. Then you just break ranks and do it yourself.

This shows just how uninclusive homosexuals are.

It’s their way or the highway.

Unfortunaly, the highway they are on leads to a hot place, if they don’t change their tune.

By the way, lest you think this is all new.

The homosexual agenda has been in the works for a very long time. It simply escalates a little more each and every day, but don’t think this is suddenly new. It’s just pride month. One more bit, there is a homosexual agenda, even this gay site admitted it back in 2011.

First Tranny Cheerleader

The NFL’s Carolina Panthers become the first team to have a transgender cheerleader.

Do you know why the homosexual agenda continues to escalate?

We allow it.


We don’t even try to stop it. We just bark about it on some online forum. If we really cared, we would stop shopping and supporting organizations that support twisted and distorted minds. Most don’t do that, if they did, corporations like the NFL would dry up.

Ma always taught me, “Money talks, BS walks”.

Since I know you are dying to see what this man cheerleader looks like, here ya go!

Then They Came For Your Kids

Pizza Hut is facing fierce condemnation from conservatives and other social media critics for promoting a book about “drag kids” for its “Book It!” reading incentive program.

Fox News

Pizza Hut must have perverts in upper management.

Shoudn’t they be trying to sell people their rot gut food and not throw drag on the kids?

Here’s a little secret.

The libs are so concerned about dragging the children into the gay scene as it means those children will grow into accepting adults. Accepting of the homosexual agenda, and other anti-God policies. That’s the plan, make no mistake about it.

In reality, no corporation should be involved in promoting any unnatural endevore.

What’s the point?

To drive perversion.

In case you like this rot gut pizza, kick it to the curb along with the Oreo Pride Pack.

Bars, Booze, Catwalks, Trannies and… Kids?

When I found these clips the other day, I thought, I’m not putting that on my site. Then I had a change of heart, you actually need to see it.

You need to see how bad the problem really is.

This confused man dressed as a woman then plays stripper and takes cash from a kid to dance.

This man, a real one, went inside the venue to report on what was happening.

By the way, did you catch what the neon sign said in the back?

When you buy and/or use products and services that promote homosexuality, you are responsible for things like this. You are helping this filth along. Just like you reap the rewards for supporting your church, only in reverse for supporting sin.

Now, you typically will not see this level of perversion in the news.

It’s glossed over.

Instead, you hear about Pride Pack Oreos, or Drag Kids from Pizza Hut, but the problems are far far worse. It’s time we all woke up to this and draw the line in the sand. It’s time we started enforcing our Biblical beliefs and not letting them be superficial.

We got here, because we didn’t care enough when we got here in 2015.

Next will be pedophilia, they have already been talking about it for a few years now.

Abominable Photo Of The Day

Here’s an official statement from the North London ThunderCats Black Metal Bicycle Club. They believe they are doing a good service, while saying others are pushing a narrative.

Let’s see, since the dawn of time, men have been men, and women have been women.

So, whose pushing a narrative here?

How About Some Perspective?

I am continually reminded how self centered our society has become.

Rarely do we ever make sacrifices for the causes that support God. More often than not, we just shrug things off. So we buy the pizza from Pizza Hut because you want some pizza. Quickly forgetting, their stance on homosexuality.

Perhaps it’s not pizza.

Perhaps its the NFL, NBA, MLB, NASCAR or CMA events you’re into.

All of those organizations are anti-American and/or pro-homosexual, but hey, it’s entertaining for you to watch. So, you watch anyway, figuring, “What can I do about it”.

Since we all think that way, nothing ever changes.

Except, perversion.

Perversion and sin continually get worse, as we are actually supporting the sin.

Yet, in a far away distant land, each and everyday people make real sacrifices for God. Just the other day, 50 people were murdered in church by Muslim terrorists. These people knew they could be killed, for going to church, but they went anyway, to serve God.

Watch the video, let it sink in.

This is the aftermath.

But we Americans and Europeans cannot even put down the pizza or TV remote.

What a shame.

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