You Can’t Trust Anyone Or Anything, Anymore

The news has always been filled with propaganda, but nothing like what we see these days.

It seems every bit of news serves some political point of view which drives our world in one direction, down. Everyday I pull up the headlines, I roll my eyes and translate those headlines into reality. It’s become far too common.

Let me show you a few examples this morning.

Putin’s Strategy To Weaponize Winter

“The Russian president is signaling that Moscow fully intends to weaponize Europe’s winter energy needs — for not just Ukraine but the entire European Union.”

The Hill

What a hypocritical statement!

Of course, it keeps people focused on the only thing that matters…

  • Russia is bad.
  • Ukraine is good.

Yes, that’s it my friends!

If government can sucker your mind…Well then, government has public support, and with public support, government can send Ukraine $54 billion and counting! Heck, the public even puts up Ukrainian flags and colors to signify their brainwashing, I mean, support.

How quickly we forgot about the E.U. and U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia. The West even admitted it was financial warfare against Russia. Ahh, but that’s okay. Russia is on that team and we are on this one.

When we sanction a nation; crippling its economy, that’s okay, just not when they do it to us. So Putin is the bad guy, as he intends to stop supplying fuel to Europe this winter, and make um freeze!

Now ask yourself…

What clown decided to retire their own fuel sources to use Russian fuel?

Why, it was the leaders of Europe.

Roll the next quote.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky possesses the Valyrian steel sword; he just requires the Biden administration’s full confidence and support to wield it decisively and bury Putin’s “special military operation” in the fields of Ukraine.

The Hill

Apparently, someone has the hots for Zelensky. I think I just puked up.

Ol Zelensky wouldn’t be wielding anything but his high heels if it wasn’t for dirty Joe sending him well over $54 billion of our tax payer dollars.

Russian ground forces are digging in; however, their supply lines cannot sustain them, and they are losing ground.

The Hill

Boy, if I had a buck every time I heard that line.

They have been telling us for six months now, Russian supply lines cannot sustain the troops. Apparently, Russian soldiers are able to survive on dirt. It’s all so silly.

I would ask, who falls for this stuff, but apparently the public does.


Zelensky To Headline US Defense Industry Conference

Zelensky will “headline” a U.S. defense industry conference at the end of the month. He’s going to beg for more missiles, rockets, and weapons of war. To kill more Russians and defend his “homeland”.

That right there kills me.

The world openly supports Ukraine and they don’t really know why, other than the reasons the television provides.

  • Why didn’t anyone support Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria when the United States invaded?
  • Where was their economic and military aid?

Silly question, no one cares about those third worlders. Our elite only concern themselves with what benefits them, that includes what makes more buck-a-roos. Note: those poor countries don’t have many buck-a-roos. So who cares about um!

Get this.

On Thursday, the U.S. unveiled a $675 million weapons package to Ukraine, including additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, additional high-speed anti-radiation missiles and more than 5,000 anti-armor systems, among other equipment.

Heck, it’s the United States fighting Russia via proxy. Putin knows it, we all know it. Putin is a much nicer guy than I am, my response to another sovereign nation providing arms to my enemy would have been swift and unforgiving.

Anywho, this is more of your tax dollars going to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, our own cities and nation continue to rot.

Steve Bannon’s In Trouble…


As you may recall, then President Trump pardoned Steve Bannon for his alleged crimes. Bannon was charged with money laundering, and conspiracy in the “We Build the Wall” fundraising fraud case.

While Bannon was pardoned, two other people involved were not. In fact, they admitted guilt, they admitting to ripping off donors to the tune of millions. No one was supposed to take a dime, all funds were to be used in order to build a wall along the U.S. Mexico border.

Today, no wall exists with these funds.

Now Bannon sat on the board, surely he would have known about these crimes…

So, now the state of New York has brought charges against Bannon. The pardon won’t cover state charges, only federal.

Personally, I always felt like Bannon was a provocateur. I never trusted the guy. Once I found out he was a former Goldman Sachs boy, that sunk his ship in my mind. Sure, sure, people change, I’ve just never entertained the guy.

Now, some of his base is pretty riled up over the latest charges. They cite the timing of the midterms. Of course, that thought was planted into their mind by Bannon himself. Regardless, this case has been going on for well over a year, the charges were only just brought forward.

Politically timed, probably.

However, before we cast judgement one way or the other, let’s see the facts and what comes of it. If he is innocent, bravo, but if not, the man is a thief, traitor, detractor, and divider of our nation.

Time will tell.

I’m just sick and tired of the public being used like a tool for the left and right.

Sick and tired of it.

We all heard Biden the other day throwing Trump and Republicans under the bus. It was sickening! Then, Trump fired back, calling Biden an “enemy of the state,” not to mention his many other antics.

Yup, we’re going places as a nation.

Here’s the thing folks, I know a lot of you are probably thinking, so what?

Look, when leaders act immaturely, the people take note, and they act in kind. It means, our leaders always need to set the example for everyone else to follow. If our highest leaders of office act immaturely, fight and bicker, well then, so will the rest of us.

Without honest and responsible leaders, there is no positive standard to follow. That means, society will only drag lower than it is today. The Old Testament is filled with examples of bad leaders corrupting the people, (1 Kings 15:26, Isaiah 1:4).

  • It’s a clear sign of the moral rot in our nation.
  • It’s a clear sign how our leaders have become like children, (Isaiah 3:4).
  • It’s a clear sign of our nations downfall, and I would hope you would be concerned about that.

Leaders must always act as leaders.

Leaders must always set the standard for us to follow.

If they cannot do that, how will the public respond to one another?

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