CDC: Flu Has Killed 38,000 Americans

You read that right, according to the CDC, 22,000 to 55,000 Americans have died this year due to the seasonal flu. Therefore, using their own numbers the average death toll from the seasonal flu stands at 38,000. However, the coronavirus that has quite literally stopped the world has only killed 110 Americans.

In fact, we just discussed the CDCs numbers on March 3rd, which would be 16 days ago. You can find that post right here. Just 16 days ago the CDCs numbers told us 18,000 – 46,000 Americans had died due to the seasonal flu. So in 16 days, the death toll jumped anywhere from 4,000 to 9,000 using the CDCs own numbers.

Yet, there is no panic due to the seasonal flu…

I want to add even more perspective here.

Globally, only 9,000 people have died from coronavirus. Yet, 38,000 Americans have died this year due to the flu.

Understanding that, do you find the government-sanctioned panic warranted?

I mean every year the CDC tells us ~50,000 Americans perish due to the seasonal flu, but the world does not stop spinning does it?

Of course not.

So why then do we have such fear and panic?

Folks, we have before us a manufactured crisis.

One of epic proportions.

Side Note: I am working on another article for you to cover and help everyone understand what is presented before us. It will be a little bit of a history lesson as well. I hope to have that completed by tomorrow, but no promises.

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