CDC Director: Normalcy Requires ‘All Of Us To Do Our Part’ And ‘Get Vaccinated’

This would be the same CDC Director who does not know how many people have been vaccinated in her own department. Of course, that is due to HIPPA laws which protect your medical health records from anyone who wants to pry. Including the government.

Breitbart reports,

Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued a warning Thursday, effectively blaming unvaccinated individuals for the rapid spread of the delta variant but admitting that officials expected it to become the dominant strain in the U.S. She also suggested the U.S. turning the corner on the pandemic is contingent upon everyone doing their “part” and getting vaccinated, regardless of their reservations.

Remember what we discussed the other day?

According to an Israeli work, the Delta Variant is bypassing the vaccine, which means the vaccine is not effective against the Delta Variant.

Libs Are Dangerous

Now I suppose if you live in a really liberal blue state, you probably think COVID is still a thing. However, if you live in a red state, chances are COVID is in your rearview mirror. In red states, for all intents and purposes, things have been “normal” for a while now.

Yet, the government and mainstream media keep the COVID drumbeat alive. This makes the government seem more relevant which will enable them to pass more freedom reducing laws and bills. Further, it is helping to nurture along globalization as we continue to see universal basic income type programs launched in our nation.

Also remember, this Delta Variant talk is a non-starter. See our article, Celebrate “Deadly” Delta Variant, It Has A 99.9% Recovery Rate! which is backed by scientific evidence.

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