US: Government’s Business To Know Which Americans Haven’t Been Vaccinated

You’re going to love this one. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said it’s “absolutely the government’s business” to know which Americans haven’t been vaccinated against the coronavirus.


Really now?

Becerra went on to say, the government has spent “trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic.”

Trillions of dollars to keep us alive?

Maybe he meant, trillions of dollars in social programs. The government did nothing to help me stay alive, in fact, the government got in our way. Government lockdowns prevented me from doing a few of the things I wanted to do, but in the end, we were able to make things happen.

So ol Becerra needs a reality check.

He continues,

“So it is absolutely the government’s business, it is taxpayers’ business, if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy,” he said.

These people must all dwell in Biden’s Bunker.

The economy has been open for sometime now, especially in red states. Let’s not forget South Dakota which never shutdown and also hosted Sturgess. Yes, life went on all without a hitch, and without government intervention.

But hey, Becerra lips tell us, he wants people to have “as much freedom and choice as possible.”

We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose. But we hope they choose to live,” Becerra said. “We hope people make the right choices. We want them to have the right information, but we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated.”

Give us the sense that we have the freedom to choose?

We were born with the right to choose, plain and simple. People like Becerra think it’s the government who grants us freedom. No, we are granted freedom by God. Even nature decrees that people are free. It is only governments who enslave people.

By the way, how exactly would the government monitor and or track who and who has not been vaccinated?

If you recall, once you receive a COVID vaccine, you receive a COVID vaccine card from the Department of Defense. So it’s certainly possible the government knows who has been vaccinated, which in turn lets them know who has not been vaccinated.

Yet, Becerra tried to rebuff such claims…

“Some comments I made today are being taken wildly out of context. To be clear: government has no database tracking who is vaccinated. We’re encouraging people to step up to protect themselves, others by getting vaccinated. It’s the best way to save lives and end this pandemic,” Becerra explained.

So if you take Becerra at his word, the Department of Defense is just shredding their records of who has accepted the vaccine.

Sorry, I do not buy that for an instant.

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