CDC Propaganda, Hypocrisy And Looking Down The Road

We are going to pack a lot of goodies into this one.

So the CDC admitted, 78% of people hospitalized for COVID were overweight or obese. Not exactly a shocker. One year ago, we used CDC data which explained people in poor health are more susceptible to the virus.

That is the case for any virus right?

If you are in poor health, well, then your immune system will be compromised. Then we knew all along, the mortality rate for COVID was extremely low. Then the CDC revealed the survival rate for COVID is 99.98%. So that told us this was a manufactured crisis.

But it gets better.

Yesterday, I came across this headline.

Fully Vaccinated People Can Gather Without Masks, CDC Says

Here is the jist of it.

Fully vaccinated Americans can gather with other vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask or social distancing, according to long-awaited guidance from federal health officials.


Is that not one of the creepiest things you have ever read?

So your life can go back to normal, if you take a vaccine, (this reminds me of the movie “Gattaca” in a way)

Now, hold on just a second here folks, is that not discrimination?

Hey, I am not taking the jab, so that means I am being discriminated against by the government. Apparently, I am no longer equal to those who have been vaccinated in the eyes of the government.


I won’t accept foreign substances into my body.

Now what happened to being “equal”, “inclusive” and “diverse”?

Silly me.

We all know its only discrimination and being “inclusive” when the government says it is.

Now if you want to get sick this morning, here is a video of the propaganda. That’s the CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky conditioning you to her warped sense of reality.

By the way, this must be the worst green screen job I have ever seen! Part of the ladies hair keeps disappearing in the video by her neck. You would think our professional government could hire someone who knew what they were doing. It almost makes me think our government is filled with a bunch of hacks!

Nah, couldn’t be.

By the way, how are they going to enforce this?

They cannot enforce it, there is no way to enforce it.

So… the propaganda continues…

After Year Of Isolation, Vaccinated Older Americans Start To Reclaim Their Lives

Up next…

More psychological warfare from your duly elected government. Provided by, the mainstream media!

This one comes from Reuters,

Precisely two weeks after receiving her second COVID-19 vaccine shot, Sylvia Baer spent the day getting an eye exam, enjoying a manicure and buying groceries at Whole Foods – a schedule that 12 months ago would have been utterly unremarkable.

So the mainstream media would have you believe, you cannot do any of those things unless you recieved a vaccine. PROPAGANDA.

Folks, we have been all over the place. We don’t wear masks and we can still do all the things Sylvia Baer is just now doing.

The next part is even better.

I was so happy,” she said, recalling how exciting it was to walk into her grocery store again in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “I left with five different desserts and three different kinds of olives.

Honestly, I did not know whether to laugh or cry when I got to this part. I still don’t.

I mean is this even a real story?

Maybe one of those AI bots wrote it. My goodness!

“I left with five different desserts and three different kinds of olives.”

Love it.

They make it sound like the world is just stepping out of Chuck Heston’s famed movie, “Soylent Green”. As if food has been non-existent or in short supply all this time.

The moral of the story?

Be afraid, be very afraid, and then go get your COVID shot. After all, that will help the pharmasudical companies rack up some extra bucks.

Speaking of…

Pfizer CEO: ‘Every Year You Will Have To Get Your Annual Shot For COVID’

This is what Pfizer director and board member Scott Gottlieb, who also served as former FDA commissioner in charge of vaccine approval had to say,

Every year, you need to go to get your flu vaccine,” Bourla said. “It’s going to be the same with COVID. In a year, you will have to go and get your annual shot for Covid to be protected,” Bourla told NBC News.


Of course, there is no conflict of interest here right?

I mean ol Scott Gottlieb who is the director and board member of Pfizer would never profit from this statement right?

That would be akin to an insider trading scam. Yet, there it is folks, reported publicly and no one even thinks twice about it. Amazing.

Never mind the fact that people who get the vaccine can still get COVID. Nevermind the fact that you need to yearly chance side effects if you listen to the government. Side effects that have now killed 1,265 people and injured 25,252 people who have taken the COVID vaccine.

Looking Down The Road

In all seriousness my friends, this is a dangerous precedent. The government is now openly saying, ‘Hey, if you accept the vaccine, you have more rights than those who do not’.

We have heard this mumbled for quite some time now in the mainstream media. That was conditioning our mind for this announcement from the CDC.

Where will this go is anyone’s guess.

Will there really be vaccine passports in the United States?

Maybe over time. They have really pushed that agenda in the last year. I doubt it’s just going to go away. However, I don’t see it happening in the next couple of months. Companies may enforce protocols though.

Now think about this. If they get enough people to take the jab, we, as non-vaccine recipients are going to be deemed the enemy by the government. The propaganda will say, ‘we don’t care about others’, that’s why we did not take the jab, and therefore, we should be punished.

Discrimination, in this case, will be okay, and if you are a Christian, well then, double punishment for you.

Friends, every time you refuse to do the government’s bidding. Every time you go against the mainstream, you are adding a point to your record, a record that will one-day state you are a domestic terrorist.

If it’s in the name of Jesus Christ, then so be it.

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