While Disney Loses Its Marbles, Arkansas And South Dakota Shine

Too many companies out there continue to make moves in order to conform to this radical new agenda we find ourselves in. One that seeks to apologize when apologies do not need to be made.

This time, Disney under their new Disney+ platform have decided the kiddos shouldn’t be able to view certain programming.

The NY Post explains,

Months after flagging classic flicks over stereotypical portrayals, Disney+ has now decided to go whole hog and drop several of the once-loved, now-controversial titles from their kids’ menus.

Per the initiative, children under 7 will be forbidden from watching “Dumbo,” “Peter Pan” “Swiss Family Robinson” and the “The Aristocats.” Settings on the app will prevent the movies from even showing up on the young viewers’ profiles. Disney explained its rationale behind each film’s removal on the kid-focused Stories Matter section of their website.

So Dumbo, Peter Pan, Swiss Family Robinson, and The Aristocats are all racist now. Add them to the Dr. Seuss books I guess.

Folks, these companies are able to distort our world because we are buying their trash. If we stopped buying their trash and stopped subscribing to their programming, they would get the hint. The more trash we buy, the more programming we consume, it only supports these companies and contributes to our own brainwashing.

Despite our disturbing world, there are some bright spots today that I want to share with you.

Arkansas Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill Into Law That Bans Most Abortions

Arkansas has enacted a new law that essentially bans abortion in the state.

The pro-life bill, now called the “Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act,” bans all abortion, except to save the life of the mother in a medical emergency, and does not include exceptions for rape and incest.

“I will sign SB6 because of overwhelming legislative support and my sincere and long-held pro-life convictions,” Hutchinson said in a statement on the signing of the bill.


Hey, praise God and make sure you count the victories when we get them.

South Dakota Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes In Women’s And Girls’ Sport

The Governor of South Dakota has my vote! The woman is fantastic, she never shut down for COVID either.

Here’s the scoop.

Gov. Kristi Noem says she will sign legislation passed by the South Dakota legislature banning transgender athletes from participating in women’s and girls’ sports, becoming the latest state approving similar bills to outlaw such competition.​

“In South Dakota, we’re celebrating #InternationalWomensDay​ ​by defending women’s sports!,” Noem tweeted Monday, moments after the bill cleared the state Senate. “I’m excited to sign this bill very soon.”

NY Post

Several other states have passed similar measures recently.

In light of all the bad news out there, I wanted to shine a little light on some of these events so we do not miss them on this fine Wednesday morning!

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