CDC Recommends Putting Pantyhose Over Face Masks

Look, it’s Friday, we all need a good laugh, and no, this is not satire. We don’t do satire. Apparently, the CDC just came to the realization when someone wears a mask, there is a gap around the upper portion of the mask where it goes around your nose.

They just realized, unfiltered air leaks out there. Dreaded, COVID AIR!

So they ran some studies to try and see if they could remedy this problem.

Studies found that knotting and tucking a medical procedure mask or placing a sleeve made of sheer nylon hosiery material around the neck and pulling it up over either a cloth or medical procedure mask (3,4) also significantly improved the wearer’s protection by fitting the mask more tightly to the wearer’s face and reducing edge gaps.


Yes, so placing some of your wife’s old pantyhose over your face mask will make it fit tighter and prevent the spread of unfiltered COVID air. Well, not your mask, because WEB readers don’t wear um, but you get the point!

It gets better though folks!

Expert commentary proposed double masking as another means to improve the fit of medical procedure masks and maximize the filtration properties of the materials from which they are typically constructed.


Ah! So double masking will not only reduce COVID AIR, but it also improves the fit of the mask. Sure, and your ability to breath is significantly restricted.


Double masking might impede breathing or obstruct peripheral vision.

I love this line, “Double masking might impede breathing”.


Not, “might”.

It does, period.

Masks are an obstruction to the flow of air to your body. It impedes your breathing, period.

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