They Want To Change The Bible, Get Rid Of Your Cars, And You

We work, we play, we sleep.

Unfortunately, the enemies of mankind only work. They work tirelessly, day in and day out, to transform the world into their version of a global utopia. The vision they possess means less God, fewer cars, more compact cities, and in the end, less you.

It’s no secret, the now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones called for the reduction of mankind to just 500 million souls. That monument was erected back in the 1970s. Since that time, the dictators of the world have become more open and bold in their plans for humanity.

The global population now stands at over 8 billion souls…

We’re continually told how mankind is causing “climate change.” Something that’s been happening since the dawn of time. The best part, those who speak the loudest, are the same ones who hop private jets, and own the corporations that sell us the products that pollute our world.

So, who’s to blame?

Ahh, but that gets too close to the truth, and we can’t be havin’ that.

So let’s delve into the propaganda, shall we?

2050: Sustainable Urban Mobility

The tireless World Economic Forum (WEF) brings us another globalist gem. This one is called, “Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility”.

They start off by getting right to the point…

“The cities of the future need to move more people with fewer, cleaner vehicles. Investment in electrification, public transport and shared mobility is the solution.”

“Move more people”

They predict…

“By 2050, almost 70% of people will live in urban areas.”

This translates to fewer vehicles, but since there will be more people, they’ll fix the mobility issue with more public transportation, everyone’s favorite. Ohh, and “shared mobility,” is what we call “ride-sharing.”

They don’t just infer fewer vehicles, they actually explain that’s the goal by replacing our independence with public transportation, and “shared mobility.”

“Growing the use of shared, electric, connected and automated (SEAM) transport modes and a shift to more compact cities could reduce projected vehicle numbers in 2050 to just half a billion.”

They estimate, without action, by 2050, there will be 2.1 billion vehicles on the road. They’re talking about reducing vehicles by over 75%! That means removing your freedom of movement.

So the concept is to crowd more people in tighter spaces. Honestly, while a few of us hate the idea, most people love the idea! They can have their coffee, breakfast, job, gym, and entertainment right there.

You should see how people recreate these days… Oh, but that’s another story for another time.

Hey look, they even package it real “fun” like!

Anyone impressed?

I’m not.

We Don’t Need You

Yep, those are the paraphrased words of World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari.

Roll the quote…

We just don’t need the vast majority of the population.

The future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering.

Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”

TedTalks: Yuval Noah Harari Reveals the Real Dangers Ahead

For people like Harari, people are just a chemical concoction and there is no purpose to life. So it’s not really a disaster if we just do away with the vast majority of people. Who, according to Harari, “don’t contribute anything” anyway.

That’s one of the major problems with atheism and evolutionary thought. No value is placed on life. These vulgar and anti-human thoughts have crept into every aspect of life. If you don’t believe me, just turn on the news and you’ll find someone killing someone else for a twenty spot.

Now for years, people hear these quotes and assume the upper echelons of society are going to kill everyone in one fell swoop. Not so, the global population of 8 billion is proof enough.

The goal is to manipulate the public and accept the reality our earthly masters choose for us. So, they convince us there are many genders. They tell us having a family is a waste of time, and we should pursue our pleasures instead.

I could go on and on, but if you look at global demographics, the population will soon begin to decline. It’s already declining in many first-world nations, like the United States for example. Hence why our government allows so many illegal immigrants in, to replace the aging workforce.

This will continue until we reach a transition point for this new global utopia.

Of course, this entire global trend to reshape our world is driven by the false notion of climate change. In Europe, it’s gone extreme!

Dutch Government Pays Farmers To Close Up Shop

Just look at this quote.

“Around 3,000 farms will be eligible for payments of up to 120% of the value of their business if they shut down. The scheme mainly targets livestock farms close to designated conservation zones, where European limits on nitrogen deposits apply.”

Dutch News

So the Dutch government wants to shut down farms to curb carbon emissions in order to “save the planet.” Here’s the best part, China makes up 32% of all carbon emissions. The United States 14%, and the European Union comes in at just 8%.

So all of this madness will not change anything, other than our way of life. The climate change narrative is simply that, an excuse to radically change our world. Which is being sold as a righteous thing to do in order to, you guessed it, “save the planet.”

Now I want you to think about that quote for a moment.

What do you think is going to happen when loads of farms are shut down in the Netherlands?

There will be less beef and chicken to eat. People won’t starve, they’ll either pay more for imported beef or substitute it with something else.

By garsh, what could that be?

The World Economic Forum planted that thought in our minds a few years ago…

I cannot tell you what my 12-year-old daughter said when I mentioned this today.

Let’s just say, she’s not having it.

Meanwhile, in Iceland there going to slaughter 200,000 dairy cows to meet climate targets.

Insanity, but not as insane as this next thought…

AI Can Write A New Bible

Remember the WEF guy, Yuval Noah Harari?

Well, he’s back for more propaganda to pervert society’s mind.

This time he’s on the whole AI kick, and telling the world, AI is the “first technology ever that can create new ideas.”

This is where the globalist went next.

“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.

It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”

You see where this is going, right?

Old technologies could only duplicate what was already written, and that was the idea anyway. We didn’t want man fiddling around with the Scriptures. Truth be told, that’s all AI does anyway, is steal from man and repurpose it as something new from “an intelligence.”

Nevertheless, Harari continues.

AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible.”

Can you imagine that?

Allowing AI to write a new Bible.

I mean it could properly interpret all of Scripture for us. I can see it now, Adam and Eve were actually transgenders and the Serpent was the good guy. God was just getting in the way of the fun.

Yes, this will not be far from reality if we allow AI, formed by man to interpret our Holy Scriptures for us.

Here’s some more from the globalist.

“Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity.”


We have it, the Bible.

“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years.”

How presumptuous, huh?

Heck, at this rate, there might be new religions in the not-to-distant future.

The Global Transformation

We can now see, the global transformation has been in motion for a very long time. It’s slow, but the more it progresses, the faster it progresses. There’s no magic pill to nuke the global population, it’s a slow-planned phase, a plan that most people are quite comfortable with.

With each new generation, they are more accustomed to the ways of the new world. Everything we see, every television show and news report is geared toward altering your perception of reality. Even the “culture wars” that we see today.

I can tell you one thing, if more people do not stand up against this tyranny, it will continue to consume us, until there is no one left to resist its power and influence.

In those future tyrannical days, governments will say,

“We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good.”

Wait, those days are already here…

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