Fox News Suckered Conservatives

For well more than a decade, I’ve warned the Christian faithful,

“Fox News is not your friend.”

Most of the time, I was heavily rebuffed. I’m quite certain, that’s not the case anymore. In fact, I highly doubt I’ll ever be rebuffed after you read this article…

For years, Fox News played to the right, while networks such as CNN played to the left. That keeps America divided. With this tactic, you can always ensure you have a sect of society tuned into your programming, which keeps those ad dollars flowing into your coffers.

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter, shall we?

There’s a Twitter thread floating around out there by a well known conservative commentator. It proposes to show screenshots from the Fox News employee portal. It depicts all sorts of support for LGBT, Pride Month, and even talks about “glory holes.”

It’s pretty sick, but there’s no clear way to fact check it.

Moreover, we don’t need too…


We have lots of details right from the Fox Corporation’s website, the parent company of Fox News, and let me tell you, they’re as woke as woke can be. While they publicly report on LGBT issues to fire up conservatives, from behind the curtain, they tout LGBT issues, support their causes, and Fox even won an LGBT award!

Let me show you what I’m talking about.

Fox News Inclusion

Just head on over to the Fox Corporation website, and let’s visit the inclusion section.

This is what we find.

Cheeky huh?

Look what else we find…

“Pride’s mission is to cultivate community among FOX LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies, support causes important to the LGBTQ+ community, and foster a work environment where all FOX LGBTQ+ colleagues feel authentic and professionally supported.”

Would you believe, Fox Corp has done such a good job at ‘fostering’ a work environment for homosexuals, they won an award for it?

Fox touted it in their “corporate social responsibility” report for 2021.

Received a 100% score in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) – our third year earning top marks. The score gives FOX
the distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”

Recognized as a DiversityComm Top Employer and top LGBTQ+ Friendly Company from 2020 to 2021.

So publicly, Fox Corp makes it appear as if Fox News stands with conservatives on LGBT issues, when the exact opposite is true. In fact, Fox displays a form of Godliness, a form of faith front and center, while supporting homosexual causes behind the scene.


We all know why…


Cash money baby!

Ohh, but there’s more, and I mean, a lot more.

At Fox, “It’s all about pride!”

In the same report they wrote,

FOX is also proud to have been recognized by outside organizations for our deep commitment to diversity and inclusion and our success in championing various communities within our workforce.”

Fox: Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality.

Look what we find in this Fox Corp press release from January.

At FOX, we celebrate our diverse workforce, and remain committed to LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion. We’ve established inclusive policies and practices with a focus on our recruiting, hiring, and training efforts as well as providing equitable healthcare and other benefits. It’s a source of pride and inspiration to receive this honor from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation for four years running.”

Fox Corporation Executive Vice President of Human Resources Kevin Lord

Fox Supports The Association of LGBTQ Journalists

Remember that social responsibility report?

This is what else Fox penned.

FOX also collaborates with an array of professional organizations that offer the Company access to recruiting events and conventions. These organizations include:

  • Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA)
  • National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)
  • National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ)
  • Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)
  • The Association of LGBTQ Journalists (NLGJA)
  • ADCOLOR (Promoting the visibility and advancement of people of color in ad sales)

To hell with you whitey.

They actually left that part out, but it’s clearly implied.

Fox Diversity & Inclusion

Fox Corp is super diverse, in fact, they never stop talking about it.

Fox “…cultivates community among FOX’s LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies, supports causes important to the LGBTQ+ community and fosters a work environment where all colleagues feel 100% authentic and professionally supported.”

How about this next bit

“Finally, we understand that diversity and inclusion should influence the way we purchase goods and services. We are a member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, and we invite minority business enterprises to engage with us and be part of our vendor base. Our goal is to identify and grow a diverse supplier community that provides us best-in-class goods and services. We engage employees, suppliers, partners and stakeholders through education, training, interaction and leadership initiatives that foster an inclusive culture and environment. We also seek to build business opportunities and lasting relationships with companies owned and operated by women, veterans, people with disabilities and LGBTQ individuals.”

Yes my friends, Fox Corp is diverse and inclusive.

Why even their ad sales page goes on and on about…

Fox News Diversity and Inclusion Council

Would you believe, Fox Corp even has a “Diversity and Inclusion Council?”

From this June 6, 2018 report, they state:

  1. Deepen the leadership and organizational capacity to advance diversity and inclusion at all levels within the Fox News organization.
  2. Expand Fox News’s efforts and promote a more inclusive work environment for all employees, including women, people of color, disabled persons, LGBTQ, and veterans.
  3. Encourage the diversity of content across all Fox News content platforms, including broadcast, cable, online and mobile.

Hey, item #1 is exactly what Larry Fink was just talking about.

Not only do they have “LGBTQ Pride” in there, but they also include “Juneteenth!”

Yes, let’s pander to all.

Fox Corp is so diverse, they have “more than 500 LGBTQ+ movies and TV shows.”

Bet you never knew that one!

Fox Corp even has a “Supplier Diversity Program,” but within the last few months, they pulled that website, so you’ll need to use the internet archive to find it.

Fox Celebrates Pride Month

Ohh, and how could we forget this snazzy video from 2021…

I love the video description,

“Pride Month is a celebration, a time to reflect how far the LGBTQIA+ community has come. To kick off the celebration, an upbeat, unique and motivational music video highlighting FOX talent, LGBTQIA+ moments and more.”

Repeat after Fox…

“Diversity is our strength.”

At this point, you’re probably pretty disgusted and I don’t blame you. We should all realize, these are just the puff pieces, this is just the surface level stuff. Anyone pushing this agenda is a deviant or supports deviancy.

That alone tells me, what’s on the minds of those at Fox is truly dark and disgusting.

Who Is Funding This?

As a side note before I conclude, Rupert Murdoch owns 39% of Fox Corp. Other top shareholders are: Vanguard, Yacktman, and Blackrock.

I’ve noticed, it’s pretty popular these days to blame all of these ills on these big companies. Let me, let you, in on a little secret… These companies do not lurk in the shadows. Instead, these companies are investing the money Americans have invested with them.

So if Americans want to blame anyone, we can blame ourselves, for investing with these big corporations, who are using our money to push “diversity and inclusion.” If you don’t like it, then divest from these corporations.

Fox Played Conservatives The Fool

So there you have it, there’s your run down of things that we can prove.

By the way, I hope you were paying attention to the dates on the reports. They go back to 2018. So for at least five years now, Fox Corp has promoted “diversity, inclusion” and “LGBT Pride” behind the curtain, while propagandizing you publicly.

For five years now, not a word has come out about this from all of Fox’s conservative anchors and TV personalities. Neither did any of them leave in revolt.

Why is that?

Why is it that none of the major names at Fox, and those who have since left or been canned, never said a word about this for five years?

We know why…

It’s all about the money baby!

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