Chicago Suburb First In U.S. To Pay Reparations To Black Residents

Our nation took a horribly wrong turn in 2020, and it only continues. Evanston, a suburb of Chicago Illinois with a population of 73,000 is the first in the nation to pass a reparations program for black residents. The city council passed the measure 8-1. Here are the council member’s profiles along with their contact information.

The plan, which could be the first of its kind in the U.S., is to distribute $400,000 to eligible Black households. The Associated Press reported that qualifying households in the city of 73,000 would be eligible to receive $25,000 for home repairs or down payments on property.

Fox News

Look, you cannot give “reparations” to people who never suffered. No one alive today in this nation was ever a slave. The wrongs of the past are in the past, where they should remain. Not to be dredged up to cause more chaos and strife in our nation.

How would you like it if God brought up your sin all the time?

In that case, at least it would be valid.

You committed the sin right?

In the case of reparations, white folks are being blamed for the past sins of their ancestors. God said, a child does not inherit the sin of their parents, (Ezekiel 18:20). Further, let’s remember who sold the slaves into slavery, their own people. So let’s leave the past in the past. All this does is cause more hatred in our nation, it does not mend anything.

Who cares says Evanston city council member Robin Rue Simmons.

It is, alone, not enough. We all know that the road to repair and justice in the Black community is going to be a generation of work. It’s going to be many programs and initiatives and more funding. It is the reckoning. We’re really proud as a city to be leading the nation toward repair and justice.

Ironically, Simmons happens to be a black female.

Now by all accounts, how on earth did a black woman obtain a position on a city council amid “systemic racism”?

I thought equal rights did not exist for blacks, only whites?

I thought woman were always put down. Yet, Simmons beat the odds.

You know why?

She worked for it. Whether or not we like her politics, she set a fine example that anyone can succeed in this nation if they want to. Yet, it is up to each and every one of us to put in the hard work. There are no free meals, no free rides, and no man or woman was ever better off with a handout.

Of course, funding for black reparation will come from taxation.

The funding for the program will come from the 3% tax on the sale of recreational marijuana and donations. The city expects to spend about $10 million over 10 years.

So they are going to tax drugs to pay for reparations. What an abomination.

Apparently, other people and organizations think this is a great idea!

Hundreds of communities and organizations across the country are considering providing reparations to Black people. They range from the state of California to cities like Amherst, Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island, Asheville, North Carolina, and Iowa City, Iowa; religious denominations like the Episcopal Church; and prominent colleges like Georgetown University in Washington.

I find it extremely disturbing that human beings think it is acceptable to give money to someone based on their race. That is racist, prejudice, and bias. That is not “equal” and “inclusive”.

It gets better.

President Biden has signaled potential support for black reparations. Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, told reporters last month.

“He certainly would support a study of reparations. He understands we don’t need a study to take action right now on systemic racism, so he wants to take actions within his own government in the meantime,” she said.

If systemic racism existed, Simmons would not be a city council woman. If systemic racism existed, Barack Obama would have never been President. There are millions of black leaders in this nation. Tons of black people who like anyone else, wanted to do better and pushed themselves to succeed. I am sure they are just as disturbed by this news as I am.

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