City Cancels Independence Day While Juneteenth And Gay Pride Celebrations Allowed

This is all about erasing America. Folks, if you have been paying attention, you have noticed this for many years. Yet, it became overwhelmingly obvious in the last couple of years.

To make it more obvious, an Illinois city canceled its annual Independence Day celebration, but is allowing celebrations for Juneteenth and LGBT pride month.

On Saturday, Evanston, an affluent Chicago suburb, commemorated the abolition of slavery for Juneteenth, which just last week President Joe Biden made a national holiday. The celebration included a parade, along with music performances and food at a local park. Evanston also plans a Gay Pride parade next Saturday.

Daily Wire

How about that, there is room for those celebrations, but not the celebration of our nation’s Independence. A nation that is so racist, people from all over the world come here to live a happy and productive life regardless of their race.

After reading the article, it explained the city canceled Independence Day back in March due to “health concerns”. Obviously, over COVID-19. The city explained, it is too late now to hold Independence Day celebrations as it takes time to acquire the proper permits.

We all know that is a bunch of bull. We are talking about the Independence of America and there is not enough time to pull a permit? Get out of here.

Yet, when COVID happened, they were Johnny on the spot to whip up COVID signs and stickers on the floor. In fact, they had no problem removing people’s rights in order to pander to the pandemic that never was.

Do not get sucked into the lies.

The Biden Administration declaring Juneteenth a national holiday is yet another attempt to destroy through division the United States.

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