“Come Out Of Her My People”: Ancient Babylon Named World Heritage Site

Earlier this year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named ancient Babylon (located in Iraq) as the next World Heritage site, (source). Yes, this would be the same Babylon that is mentioned throughout the Bible in a negative fashion. Instead of condemnation, the world sees it as a special place worthy of recognition.

Considering the hour we find ourselves in, that is no surprise.

Come Out Of Her My People

Not only is Babylon mentioned in the Bible historically, but prophetically.

In Revelation 18:4 we read,

Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Instead of coming out of Babylon, we are embracing, and raising her up once again.

Looking forward, the physical buildings of Babylon will not be turned into the famed kingdom of Nebuchanezzar of the past. Rather, the spirit of Babylon will be raised, and we are seeing that more and more by the day.

Babylon was a place of perversion, sin and wickedness. A place where things running contrary to God were exalted.

For years upon years, we have seen God removed, not only from our society, but from our world. We are in fact witnessing the spiritual rise of Babylon from the dust of history into her new found glory.

God’s Word tells us Babylon will fulfill the sixth kingdom spoken of in Revelation 17. You must not forget, there is a seventh kingdom that joins the sixth within that chapter. This seventh kingdom will be led by the Antichrist and his angels. Of course, the antichrist is non-other than the enemy of God and his people, Satan who will reign from Jerusalem no less claiming to be God, (2 Thessalonians 2, 1 Peter 5:8).

We approach that day, and we see signs of that day, as the shadows of perversion continue to darken our view.

Come Into The Light

No matter how dark our world becomes, we can stay illuminated with Truth.

Listen to the Words of Christ.

John 12:46
46 “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.”

Those shadows of darkness do not need to overtake you and your family. When you live in Christ, and Christ in you, His light fills your mind, body, and soul. His light fills your world and becomes a lamp to your feet, (Psalms 119:105).

I cannot emphasize this enough.

As the days march on, spiritual Babylon will rise, and Christians will continue to be silenced.

With each passing day, we will define who we are by the actions we take.

We will either play politics, and religion, or we will stand with our Heavenly Father.

We will sit and watch evil triumph, or we will stand for God with His Lamp of Light, (Matthew 24:14).

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