Chaos In Ecuador Caused By IMF

We have all read about it in the news. The civil unrest now gripping the South American nation of Ecuador. What we may not understand is that we have one worldism at the heart of this problem. Let’s piece this one together.

The trouble began when Ecuador President Moreno accepted a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF always claims to help the nations of the world, but that is never the case.

I mean, how often do you come out ahead when you borrow money with an interest rate attached?

I digress.

The IMF Loan

Back in March the IMF and Ecuador agreed on a $4.2 billion dollar loan package. Here is where the IMF causes problems. You recieve their loan with their terms, not just financial terms, but other terms and conditions, ie: the fine print.

In this case, the IMF demanded the Ecuadorian government remove fuel subsidies in exchange for the new loan.

So Ecuador President Moreno

…scrapped fuel subsidies as part of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund to obtain loans despite Ecuador’s high public debt.

The subsidies were costing the government $1.3 billion a year. The IMF agreement, signed in March, allowed Ecuador to borrow $4.2 billion. – France24

Now we all should know the International Monetary Fund is a global organization out for the interests of a globalized world. That is why the loan was offered under specific terms, to bring Ecuador up to speed with their global plans.

The United Nations Agenda

This is apart of a much larger agenda.

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres had the following to say concerning fuel subsidies back in May 2019.

We need to tax pollution, not people”, and “end subsidies for fossil fuels”.

We can clearly see, the IMF and the UN are working together to end the use of fossil fuels. This is a globalized effort.

Now if you think the IMF and the UN are some shadowy group of people looking to unite the world, you are sadly mistaken.

In reality, each of these organizations, and other world bodies, are not only funded by their member nations, but those member nations are also granted voting power. The member nations are the places you and I call home, you know, places like the good ole US of A.

In fact, the United States provides the IMF with over 17% of its budget, an amount nearly 3 times higher than the next member nation.

Globalization Undercover

So when you read about global organizations wreaking havoc on other nations or setting global policy, we can thank our own governments for allowing it, and enabling it to transpire. They are apart of the problem.

When we read about Ecuador accepting a loan from the IMF, and we see the chaos that it causes, we can thank our own nations for being apart of the global agenda.

Far too often, we only pay attention to the news headlines of our nations. We only pay attention to the actions of our nations when they are mentioned by name in the news. Yet, we should now understand, they are shaping the globe through many other avenues, they are shaping the world by proxy.

The image in this article paints a sobering picture. One where the government of Ecuador is seen pressing against the people who are obviously impoverished.

In reality, those troops represent globalization undercover.

They represent global policy being set by the nations of the world.

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