COVID Vaccine Due In A Week, Doctors Warn Of Side Effects

President Donald Trump said, Coronavirus vaccine deliveries will begin next week. As we have seen, there are several vaccines on the market and more will become available as time marches on.

The whole world is suffering and we are rounding the curve. And the vaccines are being delivered next week or the week after.

President Trump

However, the whole world is not suffering from COVID. Many of us realize COVID is an exaggeration, it is an agenda that has been unveiled upon the entire world.

Months ago when the CDC said 170,000 Americans died from COVID, the finer details revealed only 9,683 Americans actually died from COVID alone. Meaning, 160,317 Americans had died from 2.6 other illnesses, their death were simply categorized as COVID which inflated the numbers.

We have more information on this. I hope to put together a new video and explain this new finding to you this weekend.

Nevertheless, health experts continue to push a vaccine as a way to stop the manufactured crisis. However, some doctors are warning us about the side effects.

We really need to make patients aware that this is not going to be a walk in the park. They are going to know they had a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose.

Dr. Sandra Fryhofer

That’s right!

You don’t need just one, but two shots of this liquid elixir! So this doctor is saying, you will know you had the shot. You will not feel well.

Meanwhile, those of us who refuse the vaccine will be out playing and enjoying life like any other day.

By the way, how interesting that this is a two shot vaccine. Further, we were informed by health experts long ago that we would need additional COVID shots over time. Just like the annual flu shots.

Additional Reading:

  • Have You Fallen For The Lies?
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