Australian Family Doctor Suspended For Sharing Christian Beliefs Online

Folks, this is where we are at, this is the state of our world. Australian Dr. Kok was indefinitely suspended by the Medical Board of Australia for making Christian focused comments online.

It appears most of the content was placed on major social media platforms, while some comments were made on a religious blog. Dr. Kok’s online material goes back ten years.

Dr. Kok was interviewed about his suspension and ensuing legal battle. You can find the entire interview at Family Voice.

I will add some highlights below.

Dr. Kok was asked if other Doctors have reached out to him.

“Many doctors also reached out to tell me similar stories. I am now aware of more than a half dozen other doctors who have been in trouble with the Board for expressing their opinions about similar topics, away from their practice.”

That is one of the key take aways here. Dr. Kok never expressed his religious views in his own office. Our personal views are our personal views.

The interviewer asked the doctor, “Why do you think so many doctors are being accused in like manner by the Medical Board?”

Dr. Kok responds,

I think it is clear that tolerance of traditional religious views about things like sexuality and gender is rapidly vanishing.

At this point, I think all Christians now recognize this as a fact. We once were told to be tolerant of others, now where is the tolerance that was preached to us?

In reality, it was a setup.

Dr. Kok continues,

“I’ve practised medicine for over 15 years. I’ve looked after many people who would identify as ‘LGBT.’ None of them has ever complained about rudeness, discrimination, etc.”

“When you are a professional, rule number one is you treat everybody the same regardless of what you might personally think of their background, life choices, habits, political affiliation, criminal record, and so on.”

“I’ve never had any difficulty doing this.”

Dr. Kok is a doctor, and he did his job. He did not concern himself about someone’s lifestyle or sexual preference. That had nothing to do with his job. So the only dirt they could get on him was his personal views outside of the office.

Dr. Kok continues to explain what we already know to be true. Even here in the United States.

“The worrying thing about what happened to me is that it shows you do not have to be famous to get in trouble—even nobodies can be targeted for “cancellation”, for decade-old conversations on an obscure religious blog. Someone I know, also a nobody, recently lost his job in the corporate world because he declined to participate in an annual “pride” event.”

This documents, even if you did not say it recently, someone will dig into your history in order to destroy you. Social media is a major part of this my friends. A major part of the driving force behind our own eradication.

Why do we continue to use and support it?

One more quote from Dr. Kok.

We are at the business end of the “long march through the institutions”. It is getting increasingly costly to hold unpopular religious beliefs.

All religious beliefs that fail to latch onto the world’s modern version of morality are being kicked to the curb. We have reached a dangerous point in world history…

Come Lord Jesus come.

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