Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need To Wear A Mask

The hypocrisy continues. Even though these new record to market vaccines claim to keep you from getting sick (see side effects), they will not prevent you from spreading COVID, so that means… Mask up!

Let’s hear it from Michal Tal, an immunologist at Stanford University.

“A lot of people are thinking that once they get vaccinated, they’re not going to have to wear masks anymore. It’s really going to be critical for them to know if they have to keep wearing masks, because they could still be contagious.”

NY Times

America’s Doctor, Fauci said the same thing last month.

So the shell game continues on!

Even if you receive the vaccine, you still need to keep your wittow maskie on.

Raise your hand if you are surprised?

The ironic part here is the CDC, WHO and numerous medical journals have said masks do nothing to prevent you from getting sick, and they may even be harmful to your health.

This is simply more psychological warfare. The more people who have masks on, the more real this manufactured crisis appears to be. If they take away the masks, they take away the perceived crisis.

One More Thought

For those who are concerned about COVID-19, they have had cures for some time now. Here is a doctor who is upset and explains that before our own government.

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