BIS: Central Bank Digital Currencies Provide Absolute Control Of Monetary System

We have all heard a lot about digital currencies over the last several years, a topic that continues to become more mainstream. Many of us have suspected, governments and central banks seek a digital currency to have more control over the people.

This was admitted in a short video clip on October 19th of 2020.

Agustin Carstens made the admission. Carstens is the General Manager for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). For those who do not know, the Bank of International Settlements is the central bank of central banks. They establish monetary policy for the entire world.

In the video clip, Carstens explains,

We don’t know for example who is using a 100 dollar bill today.

Why does he or anyone else need to know?

The first response from the government would be to eliminate fraud. That is only a cover for the true agenda which seeks more control over the people.

In fact, Carstens admitted to that as well by stating, “central bank(s) will have absolute control” with central bank digital currencies, (CBDC).

When central bank digital currencies become a reality, paper money will be converted into digital money.

Currently, the Federal Reserve is working on a digital dollar. In the future, our dollars will be converted to digital dollars and sit on a ledger at the not so Federal Reserve Bank.

Every transaction will then be recorded. This will become a reality for all nations around the globe.

In the event of an economic crisis, the central bank could lower interest rates into negative territory which would force people to spend their digital dollars to “stimulate” the economy. Simply forgoing spending would mean your digital dollars would evaporate due to negative interest rates.

This would certainly grant the government and central banks “absolute control” over the people. With digital currencies, there will be no cash, there will be no bank runs. Those will be things of the past.

In the age of “cancel culture”, it is easy to see how you can be financially punished for your beliefs, or even have your money supply cut off for failure to comply with the government agenda. This will certainly help set up the future Mark of the Beast.

The moment in time when Christians will not be able to “buy or sell” unless they take part in the abominable world government ran by the Antichrist, (Revelation 13:17).

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