Coronavirus Will Be Seasonal, Vaccine Coming

Anthony Fauci, one of President Trump’s advisors has added even more fear to the current crisis. His words also reveal, there is a massive agenda taking place. Fauci said the Coronavirus appears to be a seasonal virus, as there are cases in the southern hemisphere. Did your spidey senses just go up?

Let’s hear it from Fauci,

“And if, in fact, they have a substantial outbreak, it will be inevitable that we need to be prepared that we’ll get a cycle around the second time.

So if this is seasonal flu, I am sorry. I mean if the Coronavirus is a seasonal virus, then why shut down the United States and economy?

Stop the panic and let’s attempt to get back to normal right?


Fauci continues,

It totally emphasizes the need to do what we’re doing in developing a vaccine, testing it quickly and trying to get it ready so that we’ll have a vaccine available for that next cycle.” (also see: Fox News)

So now the Coronavirus has decided it wants to be seasonal, and will come back to haunt us each and every year. But wait kiddies, for free I am willing to bet your government will provide you with a life-saving jab in the arm. All in the name of peace and safety I might add, and if you do not comply, well, you just may become an enemy of the state and fail in your civic duty.

Come on people, lots of sarcasm there, but it will be true words in the not too distant future.

Is It Possible?

Now you remember our article, My Lysol Kills Coronavirus. Coronavirus is clearly listed by Lysol as one of the viruses their product kills. Therefore, this virus has existed in our nation and those around the world for a very long time. It did not suddenly pop out of the depths of the jungle and arrive on your counter.

That is just simply untrue, the label of the Lysol can proves that.

So why then do we have such an agenda taking place?

Why have the governments of the world shut it all down, and why did so many CEOs retire before the beginning of the year?

If this is all coincidence, you just may want to go play the lottery.

Interestingly enough, China’s Coronavirus cases have essentially stopped. Their population is around 1.4 billion, while ours is 330 million. Yet, we have 1,000 deaths of Coronavirus while they only had 3,100 cases. Our health standards are far superior to theirs, yet despite our country being locked down, we cannot stop the Coronavirus?

Come on.

We are being steered in a new direction that makes perfect sense in the mind of those who seek absolute control of our world. Remember, America is the last free nation, and it appears we are giving away those freedoms in mass all due to an “invisible enemy”.

Internally, we were recently discussing how every 3 years or so there is some new virus.

Will the world shut down each and every time for these viruses?

That would be insane, and we know that will not be the case. We know, because they will present us with a cure, a cure that will come with a new identification system… Interestingly enough, this is a subject I was working on the last few days before this news broke.

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